hmm…short fiction rejection #3

this is starting to look like a bad idea. 

i know i have to track my rejections regardless, but seeing my percentage of acceptance go from a happy 50% to a sad and quickly falling 25% within a week is a bit depressing. and posting the depressing news for mass (or mini-mass) consumption is equally frustrating.  but i’m going to stick to it (i think).

so officially, i got a rejection today from The Paris Review (a tough nut to crack).  the piece was I Wanna Be A Flower.  i thought it might be a bit freshman for them, i’ll try sending them something more seasoned later this year.  in the meantime i need to revise both Flower and Adele and see if i can find other homes for them. 

official count:  1 for 4.

1 comment

  1. seco’s avatar

    Great write up, bookmarked the blog for interest to read more, I like this blog, thank you :)

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