#25 Comic of the Day


This is a pretty accurate representation of what happens to me when I drink those margaritas…I love them!


  1. Paul’s avatar

    Yay for drinking! Margaritas are not my thing, but I’ll have a Corona thankyouverymuch.

  2. theyetiinside’s avatar

    Yeah, that place was pretty good, though I couldn’t get the margaritas since it was lunch when we went and I was flying very shortly thereafter.

  3. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    paul: corona is good…but too expensive…the pitcher of margaritas will take you places that you can’t get to in under like…20 coronas 😉

    theyetiinside: you and shelt totally got robbed…the food is definitely not the highlight…though passable.

  4. Paul’s avatar

    Will it take me to Middle-Earth/New Zealand? Cause that’s all I really need some days.

  5. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    paul: i believe it will, yes…perhaps even beyond…!

  6. Holly’s avatar

    Kel, I knew you and I were destined to be friends when we met so very long ago. It was psychic margarita connection!!!

  7. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    hol: you’ll have to come visit some time…i swear, these are the strongest most delicious margaritas on earth…and the good news is there’s a cool bar right around the corner (in case margaritas alone won’t do it) and my apartment just across the street. it’s funny, new york is so huge, but there’s so much stuff packed in everywhere you can go a really long time without leaving a five block radius. seriously, come visit…i’ve got a really comfy couch just waiting for you…margaritas on me.

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