#29 Comic of the Day


This one is true too…he was actually already in his jeans by the time I caught him, but the idea of drawing someone putting on jeans made me want to hurl…thus you get a pair of socks in his hand.  I sometimes want to be Adam because when he sleeps it is just like the world is dead to him…yeah, it’s like the blissful sleep of the dead…however, I don’t want people chuckling at me at 3:00am (even if it is in love) so perhaps I’m better off as the light sleeper and he’s better off as the heavy sleeper…since he doesn’t seem to care about anything except getting back in the bed.  I should start an ongoing series called “Nocturnal Adam” or something…


  1. TK42ONE’s avatar

    I think you’ve just found next week’s theme. The Nocturnal Adam.

    I used to be a sleepwalker when I was a kid, but am now the light sleeper like you. There’s a window from about 3 am to 5 am where you could jump on my head and I wouldn’t notice much, but the rest of the night the slightest little sound wakes me up. I can hear the automatic timer for the Christmas tree lights turning off and wake up. I can hear cars going up and down the road, the water pump under the house running, the neighbor’s dog barking. Not fun. But at least my wife doesn’t sleep walk. That would be funny enough to put on YouTube.

  2. kfugrip’s avatar

    I do sleep like a rock, and I love it and wouldn’t have it any other way. I do have this problem sometimes where I get up, I’m confused, and I think it’s time to get ready. This was much worse in High School because I showered in the mornings so I would get up and hop in the shower, not realizing that I was up hours earlier than I needed to be, and get dressed for school. At some point I would look at the clock, see the error of my ways, and go back to bed with my clothes on. Good times.

    I also have a vague memory of going into the living room of my aunt’s house during a tupperware party when I was a little boy, and peeing in the floor. Now THAT’S a sleepwalking story!

  3. kfugrip’s avatar

    I thought the nocturnal Adam was the theme of this comic. 😉

  4. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    TK42ONE: strange – i was the same…a sleepwalker as a kid and now incredibly light sleeper as an adult…yet i too have a period in the middle of sleep where i sleep pretty deeply and cannot easily be woken. how odd…i wonder if a lot of people experience this.

    kfugrip: fortunately you have me now and i wake up and stop you before you get too far… :)

    “The Nocturnal Adam” may be a future theme…for now you’re just getting awesome guest star roles.

  5. Paul’s avatar

    Bitsy swears that I once sleepwalked into her room when I was like 8 and stole all her pillows. I, however, continue to deny such a thing. I’m a pretty heavy sleeper though–college taught me to block out a lot of sounds and just snooze away.

    “Nocturnal Adam” sounds like a kindergarten program where an owl named Adam teaches kids how to tell time. Feck yes, I’d watch it. Gotta be better than Heroes…

  6. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Paul: anything is better than heroes at this point…well okay, not Bionic Woman, but almost anything else.

  7. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    I thought Adam shirt-cocked it when he went to sleep?

  8. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    jamminjabber: he made me promise not to show that bit.

  9. Paul’s avatar

    Do I want to know what shirt-cocked means?

  10. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    paul: uh…i can’t believe i have to describe this on my blog…how did i go so awry. basically shirt-cocking is when a grown man wears a shirt with nothing else, so that his genitals are exposed beneath the hem of the shirt. wow. this is my life.

    note: my comment about adam to jamminjabber was purely sarcastic….shirt-cocking is a long running joke between adam and jamminjabber (and it appears me as well).

  11. Paul’s avatar

    Ha! I learn something new every day. Adam’s secret is safe with me. 😛

  12. theyetiinside’s avatar

    What is the opposite called? Short-chesting? Now I’ve gotta know if there is a slang term for this.

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