#138 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics

Yes Anna Paquin, I know, I know.  I’m just making the world a more horrible place, and sending more and more people that are just looking for gratuitous celebrity nudity to my blog (where they will ultimately be disappointed)…but what can a girl do?  I’m desperate for a good strip these days…no pun intended.

My weekend was pretty much a bust.  I got two important errands done on Saturday, and I managed to write about 2,500 words on Sunday (yes, took me ALL day to get my ass in the chair at 5pm and write 2,500 words) but I got nothing else done.  I didn’t accomplish even a third of my to do list…which leaves me with a deadline to meet by Wednesday…that is going to be nigh impossible.  But wish my lazy ass luck anyway.  How about you guys?  Good weekend?  Bad?  C’mon, make me feel better…



  1. Paul’s avatar

    Hey! Jean Grey is totally real! She and Santa hang out all the time at the bar down the street from me. 😛

    These are great! I’m going to have to steal the idea from you and do another one of my own, heh. I’ve got some odd searches tooooo…

  2. TK42ONE’s avatar

    It was nice. Then it sucked. Hard core.

    My weekend, not the comic.

  3. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Paul: I suspect she and Santa are having an affair of some kind. As for stealilng the idea from me, I think I stole it from you in the first place. I mean, I always planned to do it, but you got to it first. So it’s only fair you should steal it back.

    TK42ONE: Thanks for clarifying :)

    Sidenote: I can’t believe a comic full of almost boobs created only two comments. Go figure.

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