
You are currently browsing the archive for the anniversaries category.


This is maybe the most true and accurate comic I have produced to date. 

Sadly this year it means we will not be going anywhere for our anniversary (4 years!).  The irony is that at one point or another we invariably manage to convince the other of our opinion, but at the same time the we have come around to their opinion, and so we still manage to be on opposite sides. 

It is endlessly frustrating…and agonizing.  Here we are trying to do something nice for each other and yet we simply cannot agree on the best way to do it.  We have had some amazing trips in our lives (San Francisco/San Luis Obispo, New Hampshire/Maine, and Hawaii instantly spring to mind) but we may have to live on memories as it seems to become more and more difficult to agree.  I suppose this is the (other) downside to trying to live harmoniously as two alpha personalities…we’re both “too strong” to just live peacefully together.

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