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I’m not going to get into why this Jezebel piece so personally hits my sweet spot right now, but let’s just leave it at “it does”.

Also, a picture of Ryan Gosling that we’ll leave at “just cause”.


It’s sad but true.  Adam and I both sometimes like to sleep on our stomach with a knee cocked out from our body, which we cannot both do in a queen size bed, not unless we want to bang knees painfully…but in a KING size bed, anything is possible!  Don’t get me wrong, I love a good cuddle, but when it’s time to sleep, I want to believe I’m in that bed alone*…which is only possible in a king sized bed. 

*Unless of course I have a nightmare, and then I don’t want to be alone anymore…I know, I know, you can’t have it both ways…except you CAN when you have a KING sized bed.  Can anyone guess what I want for Christmas?  :)

That’s right, and not only did I get an awesome “Tuesday present for no reason whatsover” but Adam remains the Michael Jordan of gift buying (are we still using Michael Jordan as an example of awesome things? I so need to catch up on my pop culture – sigh) – as he got me a book by an author I love that I didn’t even know was out. Yay! The book, for the record, is The Girl On The Fridge by Etgar Keret. It’s a collection of short fiction and if it’s half as awesome as the first collection of his short fiction that I read (The Nimrod Flipout) then it will blow my mind (again).

Here’s a picture – since the cover is also awesome.

Ugh. Sometimes I hate drawing…last night was one of those nights. I have a sneaking suspicion it will be this way all week. Sigh. Poor me. Anyway, the mystery continues tomorrow…hopefully with better art 😉

I guess I was able to squeeze one more out…let’s see if we can make it though the to the end of the week…one more day.  I like the symmetry of a full week of ‘The Tragic Penis-Man’…I think I can, I think I can…

I read the novel this week of a girl (woman) in my writing group – and it was REALLY good.  Her characters were so well drawn…they felt so real…I was left feeling that my novel characters are really very one-dimensional in comparison. 

It was both inspiring and daunting to read her book.  The subject matter of her book is challenging and intense and so it may take her awhile to find the right publisher/agent, but I have no doubt that her book will eventually get published.  It really was wonderful. 

As for my novel.  I believe I’ve finally committed to doing a MASSIVE re-write.  Usually stuff just comes out of me pretty much how it’s going to be in the end, I mean I tweak and revise and fuss, but I’m not good (I hope mostly because I haven’t tried) at full re-writes.  I think a certain (small) amount of talent comes out of me naturally, but I seem to lack the skills and talent to take my work to the next level – so this will be a huge challenge – but I think it’s a necessary one if I ever want to see this book (or any other work?) published. 

So wish me luck.  My deadline is September 1st (2008).  Which considering it’s a major re-write of the existing 250 pages, and the addition of probably 300 to 400 more pages, is daunting to say the least.  Oy.  This means I’ll likely be shelving my hunt for agents this summer, and reopening that nasty can of worms in the fall.  It doens’t however mean a break from short fiction submissions.  I’ve got to re-submit a whole stack of stuff…so I can get my rejection numbers up really high…

Okay, so here’s how this happened. Saturday Adam asked if he could draw something on one of the stories I was reading for my writing group. He then said he wanted to draw a man with a little penis. Of course I said no, he then asked if he could draw a big penis with a little man. He meant a little guy but with a giant penis, but this is what I saw in my head…and it was just too hilarious an idea not to share with all of you, so all this week (or maybe just a couple days until I run out of ideas) The Tragic Penis-Man will be guest starring in Rabid Lamb. Enjoy! Or not.

Saw Iron Man on Sunday. Thought it was great. Definitely in the upper echelon of comic book films. And my man Favreau is looking good (as Stark’s security guard/driver).

Am home sick this morning with what seems to be minor food poisoning. Hoping to go into work soon…but every time I make a move to do something productive (like get dressed) I get sick again. Yay!

I think we’ve officially established that Adam’s stomach issues are stress related, which is a shame, but at least, as work becomes less stressful for him we can hope it will go away, rather than a more serious medical issue (though long term stress can be a very serious health problem).  I expect Adam’s is temporary though, so we’re optimisitc. 

I hope you all have great weekend plans.  Saturday here looks to be hot and humid, so I’ll be mostly staying in, though I need to drop off some goodwill donations (i.e. late spring cleaning that has never been dealt with).  Sunday I have my writing group and hopefully Iron Man since it looks to be a bit cooler and manageable. 

Anyone out there have anything fab planned?

That’s right, Adam swears I am Lucy van Pelt.  I totally disagree, of course, I mean who would want to be Lucy van Pelt?!  She’s terrible!  I agree that we share some bossy qualities, but that’s about it.  I prefer to think of myself as ‘the mysterious red-headed girl’…or let’s face it, Charlie Brown.  I don’t live any kind of charmed life here, so surely I’m Charlie Brown…of course Adam thinks HE is Charlie Brown…is there anyone that doesn’t identify most with Charlie Brown? 

At least I’m not delusional enough to think I’m as awesome as Linus…or as talented as Schroeder…


I swear, if this heat wave doesn’t break tomorrow’s comic is going to be blurry lines and water spots on paper.  It is WAY TOO HOT, even to draw.  I hate this.  Oh how I miss you February.

More “to be continued” bits, I guess once I got in the habit it was hard to break. 

Let’s not even talk about how we’ve broken the world.  Early June and 98 Degrees – with a heat index of 105.  We totally broke the world.  Yay.

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