
You are currently browsing the archive for the jezebel category.

A funny and really accurate sounding reaction to the Wonder Woman pilot.

Good times!

I’m not going to get into why this Jezebel piece so personally hits my sweet spot right now, but let’s just leave it at “it does”.

Also, a picture of Ryan Gosling that we’ll leave at “just cause”.


Hey everyone, over the holiday weekend Jezebel ran part two of my 20 Favorite Female Comics Creators of 2010…so please check it out and comment there if you haven’t already on CSBG!

Thanks and I hope you’re all getting a bit of a holiday break!

Supergirl #58 by Amy Reeder


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That’s right, for my 20 Favorite Female Comics Creators of 2010, part one post, Jezebel has reprinted the article. Woo!

Part two will be up on Jezebel next Monday (as well as on CSBG via my She Has No Head! column, as usual at noon eastern).

So check it out everyone…as I’m such a huge fan of Jezebel this is very cool…in fact I’m trying not to squee myself out of my chair.

And thanks for the opportunity Jezebel!


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My She Has No Head! interview with comics creator Hope Larson was discussed and linked to today in an excellent post on Jezebel by Latoya Peterson about Girls, Comics, and Rashida Jones new book Frenemy Of The State.

Any day I get linked to on Jezebel is a good day…plus…the comments are mostly full of happiness, encouragement, and excitement…rather than the opposite of all that. Thanks to Latoya and Jezebel.  Check it out.