marvel comics

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Two new reviews are up on CBR.  That’s it for me this week, but next week I’ve got 3 books…two of which I’m very excited about, one of which I’m already kind of regretting.

Uncanny X-Men #535

Birds of Prey #11

As always, if you like what you read please click the like and tweet buttons provided on the reviews, and you can read all my reviews thus far, here.  Thanks everyone!


Every once in a while I enjoy some funny bit of writing so much that writing wins out over art and takes panel of the week (or in this case, page of the week).  This is from Kieron Gillen’s Uncanny X-Men #535.  The art, which is lovely as always, but not some crazy mindblowing something (talking heads rarely are) is Terry and Rachel Dodson.

I just love Dr. Nemesis* and his bitchy little better than everyone else attitude…which must just be a thing I like, because it’s one of the reasons I enjoy Emma Frost so much as well.   In fact, it might just be the writer in me knowing how deliciously fun those characters are to write.  Suffice to say that when Dr. Nemesis and Emma trade witty bitchy barbs I am in HEAVEN.  Anyway, Gillen nails it here, as Dr. Nemesis talks to Magneto in a way almost nobody talks to Magneto.  I love when comics are fun.  LOOOOVE IT.

Bonus points for use of “Nazis”, “Science sticks”, “Foolish Space Tin”, and referring to Cyclops as “The one-eyed visir” all in one awesome page.  HI-LARIOUS.

click to enbiggen!

PS – Ross, this is Dr. Nemesis!  😉

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Not a strong week for my comic covers, so it’s an easy win for this lovely cover from Esad Ribic for Uncanny X-Force #7, even though it’s not remotely his best work on Uncanny X-Force thus far…

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Check out my review of Heroes For Hire #5 for CBR up this week:

Heroes For Hire #5

You can also read all my CBR reviews thus far here.

There will also be a review of Jonah Hex #66, forthcoming shortly.

Also, for those of you that have been reading and responding to my CBR Reviews, thank you for the support, feedback and encouragement!  I’ve been offered a regular staff position with CBR to do 3 reviews a week.  So if you’ve been enjoying them – happy day – as they’re going to keep coming!

Thanks again to everyone.


I’ve got one more week of reviews coming on CBR, though it will only be two books, so get the reviews while you can!

In addition to reviewing The Walking Dead #83 and Wonder Woman #609 earlier in the week, Zatanna #11 and Cyclops #1 went up today.

Please remember to click the “like” and “tweet” buttons if you like what you read – thanks!

You can read all my CBR reviews thus far here.


Another week of reviews!  Get ’em while you can!

I read some really good stuff this week (two books that got 4.5 stars), and some really bad stuff (I gave my lowest rating yet – 1.5 stars) so find out which books to avoid and which to put on your must read list!

Also, if you’re feeling generous…please click on the “like” button, or “tweet” button next to the reviews…if they know people like what they read, I’m more likely to get asked back – thanks!

The New York Five #3

Wolverine & Jubilee #3

New Mutants #23

5 Ronin #4

X-Men #9

And you can read all my CBR Reviews thus far here!


Sometimes just a beautiful fucking girl in a simply beautiful rendered panel gets panel of the week…this is one of those weeks.  Huge thanks to Clay Mann’s gorgeous rendering of alternate reality Danielle Moonstar here in X-Men Legacy #246.  Just gorgeous.

It’s worth noting of course that Mann was ably aided by inker Jay Leisten and colorist Brian Reber for this panel!

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Panel of the Week this week goes subtle (if you can call anything about Emma Frost – or the way Kaare Andrews draws her, subtle) with a panel from Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis #5 by Warren Ellis and Kaare Andrews.

There wasn’t much that wowed me this week, but I love it when Emma is all grouchy and pretends that being a hero (and an X-Man) doesn’t agree with her, add to that Kaare Andrews crazy fun rendering of her – look at those crazy awesome hips and insane hair! – and we’ve got total win here.  So fun.

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These Esad Ribic Uncanny X-Force covers continue to impress me.  The kind of stiff, slick style is usually not my thing, but how Ribic stages the composition gives them this fantastic movement…they feel full of movement and that we’re just getting a look at a split second of it all on pause.  I really like them…this one is so flawless and elegant it almost looks like dancing…like ballet…which I guess has more in common with great choreographed action than we probably give it credit for.

I’m not sure why only one character is an actual X-character…but I don’t really care.  When you’re cool, you’re cool.

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She-Hulks #4 gets lucky with a very weak week in my comics reading, and as such picks up panel of the week with a nice splash page by  Ryan Stegman of Jennifer and Lyra getting their butts kicked but doing it while well-dressed (and well-drawn).

This was my least favorite issue of the series, as it felt rushed and unsatisfying, and all the emotional beats fell completely flat, possibly in part because this was cut from an ongoing to a mini-series early on and the plotting may have been adjusted to fit that new schedule, but the art was still really good throughout.  It would have been nice to see this series, which had serious potential, given a chance.  I could have done with fewer bubble baths, cruise line crashes, and Jennifer and Lyra looking a little different (and definitely different ages!) but the costume choices were smart and well-considered throughout and the art overall was very pretty and easy to follow.  Too bad it was cut short.

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