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Yeah, despite my purge, I’m still here in politics land…it’s going to be hard to exit considering the debates are just getting started. Did everyone see the debate on Friday? My man Obama did beautifully, as expected. And McCain acted like a sulky petulant child, rude and arrogant and easily ruffled, and best yet, unable to even look Obama in the eye. This bodes well for the future…I’m cautiously optimistic. Nobody is going to miss Thursday’s VP Debate right? Talk about ‘must freaking see tv’ – the TIVO is already programmed.

I don’t know why this has happened, but apparently I’ve got a lot to say (and to link to) and so I’m just going to try to get it out of my system. If you’re not into politics and you came here looking for comics, please just bear with me…comics will be back shortly.

Let’s start with the easy stuff…

As if there weren’t enough reasons to love Jon Stewart, take a look at this clip from a recent episode that talked about republican hypocrisy. Why does a comedy show have less spin these days than political and “real” news programs? Something is wrong with this country when I have to get my comedy AND my truth from the same show.

If Jon Stewart and Janeane Garofalo (the link is to her on Bill Maher 9/12) had a child it would be the most brilliant wonderful perfect being ever…like Jesus even, assuming I believed in Jesus. Salman Rushdie isn’t bad either (also from Bill Maher 9/12). I can usually do without Bill Maher and all his womanizing borderline sexist crap (Maher calling Sarah Palin a stewardess, though it may be a bit funny, is really not, and is definitely not helping us), but with his vocal support of Barak Obama this year I’m slowly coming over to the dark side…

Also, while I never thought in a million years I would link to something on The View (suffice to say I’m not a fan), I was surprisingly impressed with their interview of John McCain, it was less softball than I would have thought, and McCain (I believe) comes off very badly (yay!). He seems to be searching for answers, brusque, rude, and full of lies and misinformation (shocking). So let’s link to it! It was also a good reminder that Barbara Walters was once a woman with more to her than just The View – it would be good to see her get back to that. FYI – part three with Cindy McCain is the least interesting and hard hitting of the segments.

The View Part I

The View Part II

The View Part III

One of the many lies being floated in the McCain campaign about Palin is her “maverick” status – the fact that she came in and defeated the “boys club” in Alaska and brought reform. It may be true that she defeated the “boys club”, but as far as bringing reform, it is blatantly obvious to anyone looking (assuming they want the truth) that she simply took over and replaced the existing corrupt system with her own vendetta driven corrupt system. Here’s a good article that outlines some of the corruption, from hiring old school friends to important legislative positions to intimidating bloggers; firing and trying to fire various people including a librarian who was not open to her book banning plans; to simply misusing budget funds and lying about cutting spending. No, she didn’t fire the chef, she just reassigned the chef.

Do I care if she fired the chef? Hell no, but I do care that she lied/is lying about it. And maybe even more importantly that she thinks the American people are stupid enough to take her word for it simply because she’s a woman that calls herself a maverick. You know what? If Palin can call herself a maverick and a reformer…then I’m going to start calling myself thin…I wonder how many people will believe it, despite the fact that they can see just from looking at me that I am clearly NOT thin. Why does this work for her and not me? Perhaps because she has a giant political spin machine and the desperation of a people determined to steal another election behind her? Hmm…perhaps.

And if you haven’t seen Palin’s incredibly underwhelming (and quite frankly alarmingly frightening) interview with Charlie Gibson (who wasn’t my first choice, but I think did a pretty exceptional job across the board) then check out both the video and transcript here.

Are we really prepared to have another four years of someone that does not know how to pronounce the word NUCLEAR? C’MON! And why doesn’t she know what the Bush Doctrine is? I KNOW what the Bush Doctrine is and I’m a freaking office manager. Do we want me running the country? Hell no – we want someone WAY smarter and more informed that me…I’m just a FREAKING OFFICE MANAGER. We can’t let her anywhere near leadership of the free world. It will be our undoing.

Moving back to the horror that has become John McCain, a guy I at least used to think was somewhat interesting as a candidate, many many years ago. Check out clips of McCain contradicting himself again and again. Is this stupidity or lies? Which is worse? I have to say, I think it’s lies, if only because of the blatant lies that have been used recently to slander Obama (lipstick on a pig? He wasn’t talking about Palin – he was freaking talking about McCain’s Economic Policy – even Bill O’Reilly – horror that he is – knows this!) and to attempt to cover up/excuse Palin’s obviously non-stellar record in office.

Lastly, why is nobody talking about the abortion issue in more concrete terms. I think Palin’s family, and especially her children should certainly be off limits, and I have no real opinion about her seventeen year-old daughter Bristol’s decision to have her child, but I think it is INSULTING that Palin wants to ignore the fact that it is Roe v Wade (and years of men and women fighting for reproductive rights) that gives Bristol the right to DECIDE that for herself (or to have her family and the GOP decide it for her – whichever it was). Why does nobody care about this? Why is nobody talking about this?! When a Vice Presidential candidate gets on a stage and makes a speech in which she says that her daughter has made a DECISION to keep her unborn child, but that same Vice Presidential candidate is actually AGAINST CHOICE…I see that as maybe the biggest most horrible hole in all of this talk we’re having. I guess there’s just too much drama and scandal to go around…no time for the real horrible facts.

In summary, I plead to the youth of this country, that I know for a fact are largely behind Barak Obama. You must get out and vote. I believe you will be the vote that matters this time around (you were possibly the vote that mattered the last two elections and largely didn’t show up) and hey, I get it…you have class that day, or you forgot it was Tuesday, or you don’t have a job to go to so that you can easily swing by your voting location on the way in to work, or you forgot to register, I get it all…but I cannot stress how important it is that you do whatever it takes to get into that booth this year. I believe Salman Rushdie and Janeane Garofalo in the clip above where they say that in the end they don’t even think this election is going to be close – that they believe Obama is going to take it easily, but do you know why they believe that? They believe that because they believe that YOU are going to come out and vote on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008.

We need you youth. I’m telling you, we need you. We already have all the great older people (seriously), the ones who can’t stand to see this country going to hell, but we need you, we know you feel the same way, so do whatever you have to – have a voting party the night before and all go to vote together, write that shit on you hand (or your face) with a sharpie, whatever it takes, just get there. It’s your country, let’s fix the hell out of it, and let’s make history at the same time, no only by voting in Obama as the United State’s first black president, but by the youth coming out and actually voting in record numbers.

I don’t know if I’ve ever read an article that as clearly articulated EXACTLY what I am feeling as the article below, and I’ve felt that way a few times, but this one takes the cake.

I promise this blog is not turning into a “political blog”, we will return to our “regularly scheduled programming” soon, but there is too much important and loaded stuff happening in politics right now that it’s making it hard for me to just put my head down and draw some pointless comics.

Please read:  We’re Gonna Frickin’ Lose This Thing by Adam McKay.

Anyone who is trying to figure out who Sarah Palin really is (like I am) since she could be our next freaking president should read the link below now. 

Letter from an informed (and concerned) citizen that is intimately familiar with Sarah Palin and her history.

I know I’ve stayed pretty clear of politics on this blog, and for good reason, but the one-two punch of American politics of the last two days has left me reeling – first the amazing highs of Obama’s DNC speech on Thursday and then on Friday the utter ridiculousness of the lows of Sarah Palin’s nomination to the second most powerful seat in the country…simply because she’s a woman.

And so I step away from my writing (I’m doing horribly by the way – still need to write like 190 pages by Tuesday) because I feel the need to at least say something – or more accurately – to link to people who are REALLY saying something about this horrible development. So here are a couple excellent links to articles and blogs about Sarah Palin and her complete and utter lack of experience and ability to be elected as the Vice President…one tiny McCain heart attack away from being the leader of the free world…

As a woman, a woman who loves Obama, but truth be told was originally pulling for Hillary, I am OFFENDED by McCain’s game of trying to trick us “silly women folk” into voting for a bitch just because she’s a bitch. Don’t assume McCain that because I’m prettier and younger than you that I don’t know the difference between voting for a strong and responsible candidate who can maybe begin to make a difference in this ailing country of ours and voting for woman simply because…”Hey look! I’m a woman too!” So insulting. This is a condescending slap in the face to all women everywhere and we’re WAY too smart to fall for this, especially when you actually alert us to exactly what you’re doing in your speech Ms. Palin…don’t ever dare to compare yourself to Hillary Clinton again. You’re not remotely in the same league.

A great account by an Alaskan – very informative

Daily Kos has an ongoing list of the reasons why Palin is unqualified, some of them are just Republican things that don’t necessarily make her unfit (unless you’re like me) but it’s still worth a read if you’re trying to learn about the total unknown that is Palin

The VP Choice That Lost McCain The Election

The Worst Vice-Presidential Nominee in U.S. Histor

Palin:  You’re no Hillary Clinton

And if you need to be inspired after all that insanity, go back and watch Obama again:

Barak’s DNC Speech


I don’t generally think of myself as lazy, I am and always have been a hard worker and in addition to working full time (usually 50+ hours a week) I obviously do this cartoon and blog, and write fiction.  I did actually finish a novel and am working on my second.  I submit (off and on) to literary magazines and agents, as is well documented here on this blog.  I’m very productive overall with my time.  HOWEVER, when it comes to things like forcing myself to workout or deal with unpleasant things like finances etc., I am terribly bad.  When I look at my life, productive or not in its own way, I sometimes feel super lazy, because the reality is that I have almost no commute time (I walk to work) and yet I still cannot manage to do a simple daily (or even semi daily) work out on equipment that is literally right in front of me in my apartment.  And don’t say going to the gym is easier than working out at home, I hate the gym.  I actually hate everything about the gym.  There’s not one redeeming thing in it for me, whether I’m in good shape or bad. 

On to more important and less self absorbed subjects…did everyone vote today?  Assuming of course you’re in a state that votes today as I am.  It was exciting to go in and have a say in this election…it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to care or had any hope for the future.  I was really torn between Clinton and Obama and literally did not make up my mind until standing there in that booth. 

As a sidenote, I’m pretty pissed at the city of New York, because today should be all about voting, but instead of voting there are tons of people lining up since about 3am for a ridiculous NY Giants parade.  Don’t get me wrong, I understand being a fan, I understand how excited everyone is about this huge victory, and I even understand wanting to go and show support and have a great time by going to a parade with a bunch of mutual fans to welcome back your team…but why does this parade HAVE to happen on voting tuesday.  I think this sends a horrible message.  Even if the people who go to a NY Giants parade would not be the people who vote anyway, or the people who go to the parade and want to vote will still make the effort to do so, I just think it sends the wrong message.  “Hey, why care about your rights and how this country is run…when you can yell and scream at a parade, for a team that really, has nothing whatsoever to do with you?”  That’s right…you go stand at your parade…like sheep.  Don’t worry about anything else, just paint up your face and scream from the sidelines, while all your political decisions get made for you…

It makes me very sad. 

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