things that make me die from teh cute

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Sometimes belated birthday presents are even better than on time ones…especially when they are adorable plushie Batmans! Thanks Adam!


I know what I want for my birthday this year.  Are you ready?  Are you listening?  Is this thing on?!


Here is where you can buy it for me…since I’m sure that is your next question.  That is all.  Please return to your lives.

Look at these!  I LOVE THEM.

They were brought to my attention by my pal Anis and are offered on Etsy by lucyravenscar.

Of course there are some problems.  1. I don’t have any money to buy them.  2. Even if I did have money to buy them I have nowhere to put them.  and 3. “They” are not even for sale, but rather the pattern to make them is for sale.  And I am A) too lazy to make them myself and B) not at all gifted when it comes to “crafts”.

So I will just have to dream of them…and write blog posts about them.

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