
You are currently browsing the archive for the valkyrie category.

OMG. How did I miss this Stephanie Buscema Valkyrie in my Valkyrie/Sif day?

It’s a horrible crime!

by Stephanie Buscema

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In honor of Bonnie and Lola and THE GIRL WHO WOULD BE KING we continue our 30 Days of Superheroines!

Today is a bit of a cheat. I’m a huge fan of both Valkyrie and Sif, and since I couldn’t really (or didn’t) find enough cool Sif stuff to warrant her own post, I decided to combine these two awesome Norse ladies. I’ll try to alternate them until I run out of Sif! :) Enjoy!

By Meredith McClaren

Added late – cannot believe I forgot since it’s one of the BEST VALKYRIE’S I’VE EVER SEEN. LOVE!  via my own collection, and by Meredith McClaren.

By Mahmud Asrar

Though Val continues to have one of the stupid costumes around (boob torpedoes away!) this is GORGEOUS. Love the foreground too.  Via Mahmud Asrar.

By Travel Foreman

One of my all-time favorite Sif illustrations. By Travel Foreman for Marvel Comics.

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Woo! Comics!  Check out this awesome Valkyrie shit from Kev Walker and Secret Avengers #17 this week:

Last week a page of Wonder Woman awesomeness, now Valkyrie…who will it be next week?!

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““Secret Avengers” #14 bounces back in time between the life of Brunhilde and the origin of Valkyrie, to one of the many battlefields of “Fear Itself,” as a handful of soldiers march behind Valkyrie to their likely deaths. The story begins with a pair of soldiers avoiding preparing for a battle related to “Fear Itself” and then draws comparisons between their day and Brunhilde’s journey from princess to Odin’s Valkyrie…”

Read the rest of my CBR Review of Secret Avengers #14 here. 

As always likes and retweets are appreciated, and you can read all my CBR reviews thus far here.



Valkyrie = Motherfuckingbadass.

This panel from Scot Eaton and Secret Avengers #14

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As I’ve mentioned on She Has No Head! recently, I’ve been struggling with mainstream comics lately, feeling burned out and frustrated.  In an effort to see the silver lining, I’m going to try to pick a panel every week that stands out and makes me deliriously happy in its awesomeness.

This week’s winner (by a long shot) is: Valkyrie, guest starring in Avengers Academy #3, and proving that not only should she be a guest star more frequently, but that she deserves her own ongoing series.  I would buy the hell out of a book in which Valkyrie shows off her hilarious badassitude with regularity.  So fun.

Despite the awesomeness present however, this panel helps prove that Valkyrie desperately needs a new/revised costume…as the metal boob craziness doesn’t work, even in Mike McKone’s capable hands (er, that came out wrong).


I don’t know how they got this picture of me from back in my receptionist days…but I should probably demand royalties of some kind.

More seriously, the Valkyrie preview pages at CBR look pretty cool.  I’m sure I’ll be let down as one-shots of this kind are almost always a let down no matter how much talent you put on them, but I’m really interested in the Valkyrie character, so I think I’ll give it a shot anyway.