comic of the week…and an update

so this weekend Manhattan was insanely beautiful, which meant that i spent less time than usual indoors being the hermit that i am (and also less time being productive), it is hard to regret how i spent my weekend, but i have to admit i’m having a hell of a time getting my cartooning gears going.  everything i have sketched thus far is much less suited to a weekly comic strip and more to a graphic novel or comic book (well, bad ones).  i have also remembered that as terrible an artist as i am, i am an even worse inker.  so yea!  anyway, i am sticking to my guns about doing this, but it will likely not show up until sometime in September.  the good news is i’ve been thinking about my life in terms of a strip and a surprising amount of slightly interesting stuff has happened, certainly enough to fill a couple panels a week (it’s also become obvious that my boyfriend will play a huge role, perhaps because he is a continued source of humor and occasional aggrivation in my daily life).  anyway, until such time as i can get mine up and running i thought i’d feature a new artist and a strip or two of theirs (and a link to their sites) each week. 

featured for this week is Drew Weing.  a really talented artist i went to school with at the Savannah College of Art & Design, although we didn’t know each other, you can see he is supremely talented.  please check out his site if you get the opportunity.

they were too large and were getting cut off by my blog format, so you need to click to view…





  1. Paul’s avatar

    I really like Drew’s drawing style, and wish that he still updated The Journal Comic. It really is inspiring stuff…

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    yeah, he’s great. i wish i had been reading Drew’s stuff as he was doing it, unfortunately, as with many things, i was behind. but it was fun to read it all in one chunk. delightful in fact.

    i went to your site and checked out your daily strips – impressive work. i secretly hope to make my strip daily as time passes (assuming i get better, and perhaps more importantly faster, at producing it) but it’s going to have to start as a weekly strip.

    i’m so impressed by anyone who can maintain a daily pace.

  3. Paul’s avatar

    Thanks, and I’ll keep checking your blog for your weekly comic. Looking forward to it. :)

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