I know this is not exactly revolutionary thinking, but Bill O’Reilly is an ass.

I don’t even like the Harry Potter books, I mean I think they’re great – for kids and pre-teens and maybe even teens.  But I’m 31…they’re not for me.  Had I been 12, or 8, or maybe even 16 I would have loved these books and movies just like the other superfans that are out there of all ages.  Almost everyone I know loves these books and thinks everyone should love them.  I have, at the request/order of a friend, read the first book, it just wasn’t for me at this age (then 26 I think), but I did try.  I also believe I have seen almost all of the movies at some point on television as well, and they have been pretty well done and again, the kind of movie I would have killed for at 12.   All that said, I have nothing against Harry Potter and and I think J.K. Rowling is a freaking genius. 

So where on earth does Bill O’Reilly get off calling her “a provacateur”?  I call her a thinker.  I call her someone who gets to do whatever she wants with something she has created (what have you created lately Bill?  Other than hate of course).  And if Rowlilng wants to use her genius to help people become more open minded…and to use her work as a small platform for the continued education of the masses then I say HELL YES, and more power to her. 

I speak of course of the “revelation” that the beloved Dumbledore character has been revealed, Post-Potter series, to be gay.  You can see Bill O’Reilly’s infuriating interview with senior Entertainment Weekly editor Tina Jordan (who handles herself pretty well in the face of such idiocy) here.

And you know what, Rowling is catching some flak from other places (not just the idiot O’Reilly) for not putting Dumbledore’s  “gayness” CLEARLY within the books, but I say more power to her.  Why should her characters have to have clear sexual identities – it’s not in any way shape or form what the story is about.  Furthermore, where do people get off assuming that characters are straight unless told otherwise?  This is all just further proof that Bill O’Reilly’s mind remains the most closed, backwards, uneducated mind on the entire planet, as if we needed more proof of that.

Lastly, where does Bill O’Reilly, who has a show based entirely on PROVOKING get off calling anyone else, least of all Rowling, a provocateur. 



Oooh.  I found this great picture of pure evil on the internet.  I can’t believe pure evil like this is so readily available in jpeg format, seriously don’t look at it too long…your eyes will melt right out of your head.


  1. rebecca’s avatar

    uggh, I look at that photo… and I am so creeped out by the two of them, how can people think like that!

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    it’s called evil beck.

  3. Holly’s avatar

    Well look at that! Bill rode in on his horse!

  4. Jer’s avatar

    Bunch of left-wing whakos. The very ones holding this country back. Nice comments, you bunch of communists!

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