#32 Comic of the Day


This is no exaggeration.  We are (and by we I mean I) are doing about 200 handmade holiday cards for our office…and by handmade I mean the paper is handcut into 11×17 sheets from a larger watercolor sheet (35×50 I think) and then a beautiful drawing done by one of our (my) designers was scanned (supposedly color corrected) and will be printed onto these sheets, which will then be hand cut in half horizontally, then hand folded, then hand sealed with real wax (from an actual melting pot – I kid you not), then hand stuffed into envelopes, which I will have (by then) hand addressed and hand stamped with our name/address on the back flap with a rubber stamp and a custom designed postage stamp on the front (which has been the only easy and flawless part of the project thus far).  Oh yeah, and I’m writing a short message inside to everyone.  I am going INSANE.   

Also, they’re supposed to go out by Tuesday…Wednesday at the latest.  AH!  I did handmade holiday cards last year for our office, but it was closer to 170, and the design and execution, though work intensive was much easier.  They went over well, and we are a DESIGN firm, so we thought we should make the effort again this year (it’s good PR I hope).  The card is much more impressive as an overall package this year and I’m more excited about the results however I’m currently feeling (especially with our color correction issues) that I have bitten off way more than is ever possible to chew.  Ick. 

Oh, and I also get to do my own personal cards this weekend…yea!  And by “yea!”, I mean “by the love of god NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


  1. kfugrip’s avatar

    I wish it were possible for me to do our personal cards this weekend but my handwriting isn’t as nice as yours. Sorry. I’m in for whatever I can do though.

    Also, the Ariel cards look fantastic.

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    kfugrip: re: Ariel cards, thank you! as for ours…you will definitely be helping. :)

  3. Paul’s avatar

    Gah, that sounds stressful! How about buying some cards from the dollar store instead? I still might do that and then doodle on them to make them oh-so-special.

  4. kfugrip’s avatar

    I think on OUR cards we should go with a “no personal message” policy. Exceptions can be made but I think “Happy Holidays, Adam and Kelly” is spare and beautiful. 😉

  5. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Paul: i’m going to go SUPER simple, maybe even no message on personal cards, but for work, there is nothing but the best…apparently.

    kfugrip: see above…and we’ll see i guess.

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