Okay, Rabid Lamb Comic #83 needs some explanation. I know, that is cheesy and lame, but I’m dealing with only four panels here and very little ability, so let’s cut me some slack shall we? Thanks.

Years ago…six? seven? I don’t really know for sure since I wasn’t there, Adam and two friends of his, James and Andrew, fellow co-workers at an infamous pizza joint in Savannah named Vinnie Van Go Go’s invented a now somewhat famous game called the My Jam Game. The rules are simple.

!. You hear a song you love, a song that is ‘your jam’ so to speak, and you claim it by calling out My Jam. Anyone beats you to it then it is not your Jam, it is theirs. You’d be surprised what competitive fun this is, and how much it jacks you into the music you’re listening to.

2. You want to piss people off? Is there a horrible song on? Well, go ahead and call Your Jam for the song and point to them (or say Kelly’s Jam) whatever. See comic strip for a detailed illustration of this.

3. There are no other rules. People are often trying to add on additional rules and expand the game, which kind of pisses the creators off quite frankly. Things like calling songs as “my ultimate jam” or “my jam of all time” things like that. My friend Kyle and I created an offshoot of the My Jam Game, based on the original, but that is a story for another time.

The end result is that this game is awesome. Adam and I play it basically every day as it has just become a part of our relationship. Great song on? My Jam. Horrible song on? Your Jam. It’s good fun.

Sidenote: I’m sure Adam will be happy to correct me in the comments section if I’ve gotten anything wrong.


Editors Note: I know you all probably think my proportions are WAY off in this cartoon, but sadly that is about how we fit in the freaking cartoon clown car that we recently rented for some errand running. Shoulder to shoulder and with Adam’s head jammed into the ceiling. Good times!

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  1. Trina’s avatar

    Oh the games people play now
    Every night and every day now
    Never meaning what they say now
    Never saying what they mean

    Some old song that came to mind when I read today’s comic (I had to look up the lyrics though)

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    I don’t know that I know that song…but it definitely seems to fit!

  3. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Your Comic!

    Sounds like a fun game, if you listen to music.

  4. kfugrip’s avatar

    I like the comic. To clarify, the calling of a jam lasts until the end of the song. Maybe that was understood but I thought I’d put it out there.

    It’s a fun game, especially when you work with a bunch of willing players listening to really good music. It’s more fun than that when you’re with a fantastic woman whose willing to play.

  5. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    Hey, Every Rose Has It’s Thorn is a classic tune. I’d be calling my jam on that. Adam, you know you put that song on when you clean your apartment and weep to it.

  6. theyetiinside’s avatar

    Yeah. I love the 80s glam rock. Every Rose Has Its Thorn is classic to me. I love it and the next time I hear it I will definitely call “My Jam!”

  7. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    TK42ONE: You don’t listen to music? What is the story there?!

    Adam: Aw. *blush*

    jamminjabber: Adam might put that song on when he cleans his apartment…if he cleaned the apartment. Adam’s not denying it’s a “great song”, it’s me that takes HUGE issue with it. It makes me literally want to vomit.

    Scott: Ah, you and I, how is it possible we’re related when it comes to music. *Sigh*. But I’m glad you’re into the game, teach it to Shelt, it’s good fun.

  8. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    The image of Adam cleaning the apartment to Poison reminds me of the time my friend Kevin and I were caught chillin’ in the sauna in a posh Toronto condominium while blasting Cherry Pie by Warrant. Good times.

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