#91 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics


It’s true.  Two crazy and semi-awesome things happened to Adam and I when we were out and about in the city a couple months ago, and I want to do a comic about it, but it’s just not condusive to a little four page cartoony strip (well, not with my mediocre skills).  I am considering doing and epic-ish “comic page” about it, but still, my skills are so weak, it will be hella difficult to draw.  (Yeah, I’m bringing “hella” back – you gonna start trouble?!).  Anyway, I’ll think about it…

Heads Up:  I’m going out of town this afternoon for work and probably won’t have access to a computer tomorrow while I’m away, but dedicated that I am, I still have a comic for Friday, but it’s just going to post later this afternoon…


  1. Paul’s avatar

    I keep this little notebook of ideas of comics I want to draw. Flipping through it last night I saw…mm… maybe a good thirty or so that I haven’t even done yet. Mostly because they take more than 3 panels to do, and I just don’t have the headspace for that all the time.

    I see you’ve brought hella back. In turn, I shall now bring back whut-evaaaar.

  2. kfugrip’s avatar

    Now that you’ve brought hella back, why don’t you place it back at the bottom of that box you found it in. We would all appreciate it. 😉

    In other news: you should do those strips. I think they’ll be great.

  3. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Paul: Nice. I’m also thinking about starting to use “obvs” and “def” – mostly because ihatewheat who writes The Dairi Burger Blog uses them all the time in her posts and it never ceases to crack me up. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve put those gems in my posts and then erased them…they just don’t seem to work here :(

    Adam: Well you know what? You’re a hella jerk. That’s right. Hella jerk. I’m now going to use it EVEN more since you’re so hella mean.

    Maybe someday I’ll do those comics…it was a pretty cool/crazy day we had when those things happened.

  4. kfugrip’s avatar

    OOoooooohhhhhh you want to do comics about THAT day. That was a funny day. And crazy. Hella, crazy.

  5. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Why can’t you do a multi-episode comic? Say break up the events into a week’s worth of 4 panel comics and introduce it that way? And your stick figures are better than mine, so I don’t think I’ll complain about the quality.

  6. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Adam: Yes, that weird day. Hella weird.

    Paul: YES!

    TK42ONE: I thought about that, but while the comic would be more exciting stuff than my usual, I don’t know that it’s suspenseful enough to warrant an actual story arc. I think I’ll just take some extra time one of these weeks and do a 6,8, or 9 panel one…we’ll see.

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