#99 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics


Yeah, I couldn’t have even made up that one in panel three.  On further reflection (and comment from Adam) it must be the title of a book or something, but man is it intense…and why the hell did it take them to my blog?!?


  1. TK42ONE’s avatar

    For panel three, woe.

    For panel two, don’t fly. Take the train.

  2. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    Sans love is the only way to sleep peacefully. Ask anyone, love is a disrupter of sleep. And I’m not just talking about physical love, either.

  3. Paul’s avatar

    Yeah, I’d have no idea how to draw that last search term. Maybe just a sad little man curled up in a ball, hugging his pillow like there’s no tomorrow?

    Hey, that’s me!! 😮

  4. kevinkoskiphoto’s avatar

    Ok, forget it. I give up. You’re clearly making these up. I refuse to read until you admit to all of us that Adam is feeding you these ideas. Or you’re coming up with them. One of the two, but no way anyone is searching for these….

    OK, they were all me. Dammit.

  5. theyetiinside’s avatar

    That really is sad. I’m not one of those people that cry a lot, but sometimes there are unique images, sounds, or statements that hit you to the core. This one seriously almost got me.

    You can just imagine the person sitting at the keyboard without any hope or joy, not knowing where to turn, so they decide to google their problems in some vain hope that our technology filled world can solve their problems with a series of zeroes and ones. When all they got was a bunch of ads for porn and sleep deprivation drugs they hit rock bottom. At that moment the world lost any remaining lustre, the fingers on the keyboard faltered, and our heroine gave up on any number of misconceptions she still carried about her existence.

    Ok, maybe I took it a little far, but this is the scenario as it played out in my head.

  6. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    TK42ONE: yeah, but the train from NY to Utah is literally three days on a train…I think it’s 19 hours to Chicago and then 36 from Chicago to Utah. Yikes. That’s not so convenient. And though I always think trains sound romantic, after the first eight hours I think I’d be over it.

    JamminJabber: I disagree. But only sort of. Which I think is progress for you and I…

    Paul: I like that for you this search term is associated with a man, and for Scott (Yeti) it was a woman. Everything fed through the eyes of the viewer/reader no? Interesting.

    kevin: I SWEAR these are real. You give me too much credit to think I could make some of these up. I’m just not that creative.

    Scott: 1. I like that this moved you so. Adam laughed. 2. Perhaps my feminist sensibilities are just in a twist these days, but why does this have to be a woman? 3. At least he/she found my blog…surely that cheered him/her up…right…right?

  7. Mike’s avatar

    I found this blog when I queried How Do We Sleep While Our Beds Are Burning? Song has been in my head for 6 days now and Im sharing it with the world. Oddly enough, also the first track from an album. And the hits keep comin dont they Kasey Kasem?

    Kelly youve had some strong posts in the last couple of weeks, regardless of the source of the material. Youve obviously been exposed to the endless litany of situational jokes/comments/catch phrases that never tire to those from SCAD and since those jokes arent funny to anyone but us, you should reap some reward for putting up with them. Continue crying yourself to sleep at night, it’s the only way I know Im still alive.

    Un-gow Japanese Chef,

  8. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Mike: 1. Thanks, I’m glad you’re reading and enjoying – I appreciate the support. 2. Are your comments strangely genius/insane because you post at 4am…or does that just happen naturally at any hour? 3. I never thought anyone could understand my daily life as completely as you seem to. You complete me Mike. You complete me.

  9. Mike’s avatar

    You got it, boss.

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