#100 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics


Strip #100!  Whooo!  Time does fly.

As a sidenote, I cannot find a book called “How To Sleep Peacefully Without Love”, so that theory is shot. 

I also didn’t get directed to my own site when I googled it so that’s good.  However, when I googled it I did get a series of somewhat disturbing sites about some of the following:  The Chillow Pillow; Willpower Plus +; Even Without Love, A Marriage Is Still A Marriage; and my personal favorite – “Is It Immoral To Have Sex With Your Partner While They Sleep?”…

I’m going to go out on a limb here for that last one and say, “Probably Yes.”


  1. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Awe, that poor tiny breast bra is being made fun of. Hey, tiny breast bra, you can come over to my place and I’ll make you feel better…


    Anyway, I’ll disagree with your last line there. Unless I’m the one asleep, then I’d say no, go right ahead, I’ll try not to snore too much.

  2. ihatewheat’s avatar

    Just stopped by to say I am glad you liked The Other Boleyn Girl book and hated the movie! The Boleyn Inheritance, the sequel is pretty good too. Maybe not as good as TABG, but high-drama and maybe even a little bit more political.

  3. Paul’s avatar

    Hee, congrats on the big 1-0-0!

    Bras are scary. I hope to one day understand the power they hold beneath all that lace and underwire…

  4. Drew Bergman’s avatar

    Uh…First off, let me say “wow”. I was pulling for you to find that book. “How To Sleep Peacefully Without Love” is now the saddest search query EVER.

    As to having sex with your partner while they sleep–

    1. Good fucking luck with that.
    2. If you can do this, you are doing it wrong.
    3. If you can do this, and no one is the wiser, more power to you.

    Whoa. #100? Really? Great Job.

  5. Drew Bergman’s avatar

    Wait, wait, wait. NOW I get it.

    “How To Sleep Peacefully Without Love” and “Is It Immoral To Have Sex With Your Partner While They Sleep?” are juxtaposed search queries!!

  6. Mike’s avatar

    Is It Immoral To Have Sex With Your Partner While They Sleep?

    Thats not how youre supposed to do it?

  7. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Drew: I think you hit the nail on the head with the juxtaposed search queries…this can answer all our questions!

    Mike: No, no it is not how you are supposed to do it.

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