Happy 6th year. Its amazing how time flies. I never would have guessed it had been that long for you guys. I knew yours was before mine but I didn’t realize it was by almost 2 full years.
A lot of relationships look really great on the outside but are really really disfunctional on the inside. I think you guys might be the opposite. Sometimes it looks ugly with the clashing of strong personalities, but you can tell there is a really strong connection at the core. I’m really happy for you sis.
Rereading that I’m not sure if you’ll take it as a compliment. I hope you do. That is how it was meant.
TK42ONE: Thanks!
Adam’s and my story is not actually all that interesting, just complicated…though certainly not as complicated as your aunt and uncle it seems.
Paul: Thanks!
Scott: Thanks. It’s not really six years though…it’s really four…except when it’s six…sometimes I want credit for that six…y’know?
As for your compliment/diss, I know what you meant and I do take it as a compliment. We are both very alpha personalities and it can be challenging both for us and for others around us, in general though I’d say we’re pretty awesome to hang out with (according to me)…I guess I need some other people to back that up for anyone to believe me…Josh?… Shiv?… Karen?… Amy?… Drew?… Anybody…? Help!
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