#111 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics


It seemed high time to correct some of my rabid readership’s thinking…we are in fact NOT curing cancer with this comic strip. I hope some of you will stick around anyway…


  1. Paul’s avatar

    Nah, if you want to see cancer being cured…head over to MyLifeComics!

    /shameless plug over

    For the record, I’m all about 3 Muskateer bars. Skor is good, too.

  2. Drew Bergman’s avatar

    Dude- you’re going to hip errybody to the mystery that is the Skor bar- doesn’t it seem like somebody smuggled a box of exotic Scandinavian chocolate bars back into the country and is letting YOU nosh on them?

    and Oh Henry!’s

  3. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    I always felt that Skor bars were a more adult candy, and that eating them somehow made me more mature.

  4. kfugrip’s avatar

    Josh, that comment is spot-on. When you’re a kid it seems like only adults eat Skor bars, in spite of the fact that they are always on a really low shelf in the store.

    I really like Skor bars but now that Milky Ways have more caramel they are delicious!

  5. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Paul: 3 Musketeers are good. And so is the curing of cancer that is happening over on My Life Comics…

    jamminjabber: It’s totally what I have used to determine that I am officially an adult.

    Drew: My readership is small enough that the secret probably still remains quite safe. But I’ll be more careful in the future. It does seem Scandinavian.

    Adam: Why ARE they always so low on the shelf? Annoying.

  6. TK42ONE’s avatar

    I prefer anything that doesn’t have nuts. I’ve become so sensitive I can tell one Crunch bar has more peanut residue than another. So I stick to the 3 Musketeers. Or Hershey’s Dark Chocolate. Those are tasty too.

  7. Trina’s avatar

    TOBLERONE!!!!!! And it’s got a cool shape.

    (I don’t like toffee all that much.)

  8. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    I also like 100 Grand, but they stick to my teeth.

  9. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    I can’t believe how many comments I’ve gotten for this silly comic…that’s it, non-cancer curing silly comics EVERYDAY!

    TK42ONE: So, since Skor doesn’t have nuts…you like it? Or no?

    Speaking of sensitive, Adam and I have recently discovered that I might have a very sensitive palate, which by the way, is totally wasted on me considering I despise onions and thus have about a gazillion foods that I can’t eat…I was going to tell the story…but perhaps that is tomorrow’s comic since everyone loves these ‘silly comics about sweets’…

    Trina: You know I have never actually eaten a Toblerone – I’ve heard they’re wonderful though. And I LOVE toffee, which I didn’t realize until about a year ago and now I’m just all over it.

    jamminjabber: Three comments from you in one day? You LOVE candy. I’m not into the 100 Grand…I mean, I’d eat it if I was starving, but I’m certainly not going to waste dessert calories on it…

  10. Holly’s avatar

    What about Toffefay? I haven’t had one of those in decades.

  11. Paul’s avatar

    I think, via this comic strip, we’ve discovered a universal fact: everyone likes candy bars.

  12. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Holly: Toffefay? I don’t think I’ve ever had that, but it is awesome to say…TOFFFEFFFFAYYYYY!

    Paul: Truer words never spoken…

  13. theyetiinside’s avatar

    Junior Mints!!!!

  14. shiv’s avatar

    toffeefay is the BESTTTTTTTTTT. oh chocolatey hazelnutty goodness.

    oh my gosh, i think i have to go to 7-11 now and get one.

  15. Mike’s avatar

    Uhhh hello. Kit Kat bars?

    And Fast Break bars, given a firmer texture would be the balls.

  16. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Scott: I forgot how much you love those junior mints…

    shiv: I guess I’m going to have to try this Toffeefay…such rave reviews and all.

    Mike: Kit Kats are delicious of course. I’ve never had a Fast Break Bar…isn’t that by the Reses people?

  17. Mike’s avatar

    Milk Chocolate. Smooth Peanut Butter. Creamy Nougats.

    Notice the use of the term Nougats denoting a plurality of nougats.

    And yes by Reeses. So its probably made by people sold into a South American white slavery ring.

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