#113 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics


I’ve been trying to slowly edge towards more healthy lifestyle choices (VERY slowly) and thought I’d see if V8 was an option for getting extra vegetable servings into my diet.  NOT going to happen.  This stuff tasted terrible.  And I don’t really know why…I mean I like vegetables…and I definitely like tomato juice which seems like the base of the drink…but it is NOT like tomato juice…and there is a truly horrible aftertaste.  I am liking the new V8 fusion though, which is fruit and vegetables and tastes much more like fruit…so far I’ve only had the Tropical Orange as Pomegranete Blueberry always seems to be sold out near me and Strawberry Banana and Peach Mango are obvious no go flavors for me (see: here).  There is also an Acai Mixed Berry flavor, which has potential, but I also haven’t seen that one in the store and will need to check the ingredients when I do. 

I know this is riveting Monday morning conversation…what can I say…I’m a riveting person.


  1. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    Take vegetable vitamins, like I do.

    And have you tried Clamato? Mm… tomato and clam juice, together at last.

  2. Paul’s avatar

    Yeah, not a big fan of straight V8. The V8 Splash stuff is okay, but obviously not as vegetable-heavy.

    I’m really into water with those flavored Crystal Light packets in them. It’s fairly healthy.

  3. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Alright. It’s bad enough when Paul starts reading my mind, but now you too? I’ve been window shopping the V8 myself, specifically the Fusion line as I hate tomato juice. But all the fruit flavor mash-ups make me want to throw-up.

    Instead I’ve been trying to eat at least a serving of whatever veggie the cafeteria at work has on hand. Not always pleasant, but it’s a goal.

    Long live Crystal Light! But alas, I’ve resorted to being a cheap-ass and I buy the calorie free Wal-Mart brand instead. Tastes almost as good for less.

  4. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    jamminjabber: Vegetable vitamins…I didn’t know such a thing existed…what makes them different than regular vitamins I guess?

    Paul: Yeah, it was REAL bad. I feel like I try it every five years, thinking it will be better and guess what? It’s not! You should definitely try the Fusion V8, which as I understand it is much better for you than the splash…

    Crystal Light is awesome.

    TK42ONE: You are the “King of the Universe”…just watch out in the shower.

  5. shiv’s avatar

    chickie, greens plus is the way to go. they’re vitamin-y pill things. yeah, you have to take 12. but it would prob be easier for you than v8.

    that being said, i LOVE v8 and think you are crazy.

  6. Drew Bergman’s avatar

    I Agree with shiv.

    What the hell is wrong with you people? V8 is a delicious nectar. Original, Spicy, in a can, in a bottle, in a big can…in those tiny little cans with the pull tab.

    The V8 twist of lemon is pretty frickin’ rank, though.

    I’m not poo-pooing the Crystal Light, but is it just flavoring, or sugary flavoring? Is there a difference? And if it contains aspartame, dude, have I got some hisses to put in your ear.

    Anyone tried hemlock? I hear it’s delectably unhealthy.

  7. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    shiv: I guess I’ll just stick to the real veggies…12 pills seems like more effort than eating a few extra veggies.

    Also, your love of V8 has called everything into question. :)

    Drew: And this goes for you too.

    I’ve never tried the V8 with twist of lemon, but if you love V8 and think it’s rank then for me that either means it’s awesome or the worst thing on earth.

    You know I stopped drinking Crystal Light because I thought it had some sugar in it, but it’s only ten calories so maybe it’s a minimal amount? I don’t know…I probably haven’t had any in ten years…

    Hemlock is awesome. Oh, wait…

  8. Mike’s avatar

    V8 is poison.

    Drink micro brew light beers.

    Think about it.

  9. shiv’s avatar

    v8 is the nectar of the gods.
    and drew: my FAVORITES are the ones with the foil-y pull-tabs.
    and hemlock would be awesome… except for the mild case of death that it causes.

    kelly: i believe your unabashed praise of one mr. steve gache at the bad plus show called everything about our relationship into question. but i must say, i just can’t stop loving youuuuuu.

  10. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Mike: Agreed!

    shiv: I’m so sorry my support of steve has driven this wedge between us! I swear to you I only mentioned him on the blog to make him feel better since we begged him to come out and he looked pretty miserable the entire time. We certainly all wished you were there instead – none more than Steve I’m sure.

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