Query Update…


Ah, rejection.  There’s nothing like the smell of rejection first thing in the morning on your way to your writing group.  Sunday I got a little form rejection card on the query for my novel to a huge agency.   Since it was for a HUGE and seriously major house, and my work is not necessarily mainstream, I’m not really surprised, but it’s still a bummer. 

Here’s the latest summary:

#1:  Partial Requested and Rejected. Door left nicely open to submit my graphic novel when further along (it is sadly not further along).

#2:  Never heard from them, which is frustrating as they show a 3 -4 week turnaround and I think I got lost in the shuffle (or am up on previously mentioned “laughing board”).  I have also submitted this “no reponse to a query, though they say they will get back to the sender regardless” question to an “advice” blog, called The Rejecter…one week out. 

#3:  Dead.  No response to email query.  I’m considering it a rejection.

#4.  Requested Partial.  Sent Partial (first five chapters) via mail about ten weeks ago – no word yet. 

#5.  Full Requested.  Sent Full via mail about seven weeks ago – no word yet.

#6.  No response to email query as yet, about ten weeks out.

#7.  Rejection to regular mail query from HUGE agency, about a ten week turnaround.

#8.  Rejected Query.

So, 3 Rejected Queries; 1 Rejected Partial;  1 Requested Partial;  1 Requested full; 2 Queries still living in limbo…not so bad, although worse than the last time I posted an update.  Please continue crossing your fingers and holding your breath for a couple more months okay?  Thanks.