#135 ~ Rabid Lamb Comic REDUX!

That’s right…our first ever REDUX comic.  I was so disatisfied with yesterday’s strip I decided to have another go at it.  It’s still not as successful as it is in my head (where I am a BRILLIANT artist) but it’s much better than the first pass.  I still didn’t spend a lot of time (I don’t HAVE a lot of time) but I gave myself a more realistic amount of time…and the results are better.   I hope you all agree.  :)


  1. kfugrip’s avatar

    it is better. i did like your drawing of you a little better in the first one but this one works better than the other. good job.

  2. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    I like the last panel.

    Are you topless in this one? Wroaw!

  3. TK42ONE’s avatar

    I like both. This one certainly conveys the SPLAT much more clearly, but why not add some blood dribbling from her mouth? Let’s go all out.

  4. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Adam: I thought I drew myself about the same in them both…strange. Thanks :)

    jamminjabber: Thanks. And Adam thought I was naked the first time I did this strip as well…I’m not…but I guess I need to start drawing clothing wrinkles or something…

    TK42ONE: Thanks. I wanted to add some gruesome-ness, but the panel was getting pretty crowded as is…

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