#140 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics

I could have tried to draw a rabid lamb in panel three, but instead I decided on shameless self promotion.  Can you blame me?  It was both easier and more rewarding…a win win!  Whoo.  I’m on a big deadline (must be postmarked by tomorrow) AND I have to go to a work event tonight, so I’m under lots of time pressure lately, but I promise to put more effort in as soon as the deadline passes.  Thanks for hanging in there!


  1. Paul’s avatar

    A rabid sheep walks into a bar and orders a cold one. The bartender gives it to him and says, “That’ll be $25.”

    A minute later, making conversation, the bartender says, “We don’t get many rabid sheep ’round these parts.”

    The rabid sheep replies: “And at these prices, you won’t get many more either!”

    …Thank you, thank you. Please, no autographs.

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    HA! Honestly Paul…that was a pretty good joke. Perhaps you’ve missed your calling…

  3. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Nice cameo Adam…

    And we’re still hanging in there (well, I am at least) despite Paul’s jokes.

  4. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    Is Adam working behind the counter at a diner now?

  5. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    TK42ONE: Adam loves to make cameo appearances.

    jamminjabber: Uh, Josh, that is totally a BAR not a diner. Jeez. Can’t you even see?!

  6. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    jamminjabber: only if that’s you on the stool wanting a joke.

  7. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    come to think of it, that could def be me on the stool…

  8. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Except you and Adam would never just go to a bar on your own…totally unbelievable.

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