April 2009

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And with my final Phase II rejection safely in my filing cabinet, we begin Phase III!

I sent out eight pieces over the last few days to various literary magazines and competitions – some harder to crack than others, some that pay and some that just give you the glory of publication (plus author copies!) and so we’ll start the board running with 8 pieces for Phase III in 2009.

Once I get the novel queries out from under me I have another four or five short fiction pieces I hope to work on and get out there, but it will probably be a couple months before I get to that.

The good news is that, whether these pieces go anywhere or not, as of March 2009 I have submitted more pieces than I submitted in all of 2008, so that’s a good place to start!  Unemployment does have its benefits I suppose.

So here’s the official status update:

Phase II: The final tally is – 0 for 7 in 2008.  A not good year for me and short fiction.  Here’s to 2009 kicking 2008’s ass in every possible way.

Phase III: 8 submissions out the door.


There are few things I love more on earth than a good sandwich, especially when someone will make it for me.  But as I’m unemployed, I make a lot of my own sandwiches these days and I’m shocked by the next level you can achieve with your sandwich with simply a kaiser roll and shredded lettuce.

Anyone else?  What do you use to take your sandwich to the next level?

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