I subscribe to The New Yorker, it’s one of my few genuine splurges these days, and every week without fail I read the short fiction selection and all the cartoons. I generally also read the tv reviews, movie reviews, and play reviews if they appeal to me and the Shouts & Murmurs section. And the rest is a how much time I have/how interested I am crapshoot. Which is a shame because almost every article I’ve taken the time to read in The New Yorker has been wonderful…but sometimes they’re so long and involved…I just don’t always have the time.
Anyway, all that to say that I ALWAYS read all the cartoons. And they’re generally pretty enjoyable…if not out and out funny, but this past week (the 2/8/10 issue) I found a lot of really great ones…here’s my favorite of the bunch by Zachary Kanin: