For a big project I’m working on for She Has No Head! I had to pull together images of all the comics I was planning to buy in the month of September…and since I’m frequently asked about my pull list, I thought since I’d already done the work that I’d share it with you fine folks here.
You can click to enlarge on all of the images below.

Additionally I bought Secret Warriors #20, Batman: Brave & The Bold #21, Crossed: Family Values #4, Joe The Barbarian #7, Heralds (hardcover), a new Betty & Veronica and a 1993 Betty & Veronica (long story), Last Days of American Crime 3, Justice League: Generation Lost #10 (thanks to the sweet Cliff Chiang cover), Batman #703, and The Muppet Show #10.
What was the best book I read this month? Well, taking Madame Xanadu out of contention as it hasn’t released yet, I’d say it was easily Stumptown #4 followed by DV8 #6. What was the worst book? Hmmm. Such a tough choice as there were a lot of mediocre books this month, but I’d say Star Spangled War Stories #1 was a horrifically lame train wreck of both writing and art, but with a fairly gorgeous Brian Bolland cover, which only made the insides MORE disappointing.