NaNo – Day 015

Halfway! Only 727 words today, but today was hell, so what can a body do?

Today’s word count: 727

MS total word count: 67,551

2 week NaNo total thus far: 33,051

Also, that is WAY the most I’ve ever written of fiction (the same fiction and sequentially no less) in two weeks, so I’m pretty happy about it. Add to that the 6 comic book reviews, one She Has No Head! article, a handful of blog posts and the write up for a podcast…and that is A LOT of writing in two weeks. Very cool.

Inspirational image for a scene I was writing today:


  1. Daniel C.’s avatar

    You are totally kicking butt!! =D

    I broke the halfway mark yesterday. This is also the most I have ever written on one of my stories too, so I’m pretty proud of myself.

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Well…this isn’t the most I’ve ever written of fiction. My first novel is a massive 140k. But I wrote it over a very long time. Took years (at least 2) to get to the first “the end” and that was only 60k. Then went in and retooled it for over a year into something massively different (and hugely superior) and it ended up being 120k. Then revised it for 2 years with my agent and it ended up around 140k. That’s where it stands today. It needs a good edit. There are things about the ms that complicate that though…I think I need a really smart editor if I wanted to cut down the count considerably.

    But all of those word counts took a very long time. Not once since I started writing seriously in 2005 have I knocked out 30k in 2 weeks though. Feels good. 😉

    You’re killing it over there your book – congrats!

  3. Keith Bowden’s avatar

    You may be falling short on your daily word total goals (maybe you’ve just set some of them too high!), but you are totally kicking ass. If this were for DC, Sue would have to feature you.

  4. Adam Greene’s avatar

    I’m so proud of you!

  5. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    @Keith: Thanks Keith. You’re the nicest.

    @Adam: Thanks babe. I know I’ve been ignoring everything, including you. You’re a saint to put up with me. Maybe as a reward someday we can roll around in piles of money?

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