I bitch and moan (fairly regularly) during Drunk Cover Solicits about being tired of “split face” covers where a comic character’s face is split down the middle. I think I even said recently that I was officially over those kind of covers.
Well, sometimes it’s damn good to be wrong. Check out this dynamic completely badass Ross Campbell Glory #24 cover (which is issue #2 since its “re-start”). “Split face” and all, it’s awesome.
aw, thanks for the plug! <3
i didn't realize the amount of split-face images when i did this cover, or i wasn't thinking about it until recently when you brought it up and secretly thought "i wonder if Kelly will hate my Glory 24 cover, yikes!" but glad you like it.
maybe it's better because the split-face actually has an in-story context, it's just a fancy thing for the cover?
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