i got this great link from Pop Candy for the “top 8 webcomics”…it’s a pretty good list.
guaranteed i’ll never be on this list (assuming i even ever actually post an actual webcomic. next week it’s gonna happen…i swear…does anyone believe me? no…i guess not). anyway, some of this stuff is hilarious, even when the art is terrible, which is a great reminder that the art does not have to be brilliant for the writing and art to work together to bring something brilliant to the masses.
for my money the best is Creased Comics
by the genius that brought you George Washington and Babycakes…hilarious off the wall stuff.
there’s some pretty great stuff there, but for straight humor factor Penny Arcade, Over-Compensating, and The Perry Bible Fellowship have my vote. thanks to Pop Candy for the article link.
below are a couple brilliant Creased Comics.