#101 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics


Seriously people?  Seriously. 

Although, given the sexbot queries I’ve had, perhaps Kim Kardashian’s EXACT body dimensions are a good thing to have on hand.  Y’know, just at the ready, in case one should decide one weekend to build a sexbot after one finishes rebuilding the deck, or the kids swingsets, you never know…


  1. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Well, if you could provide her exact dimensions it would be easier than trying to find a Barbie doll.

    Damn this bra is uncomfortable on my head…….

  2. kevinkoskiphoto’s avatar

    That’s funny, I’ve never gotten to your blog in my searches of those same… nevermind. : )

  3. Paul’s avatar

    Should I know who that is? I don’t. I’m loving these Rabid Boobs comics lately. 😛

  4. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    Nice one. Quite funny.

  5. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    TK42ONE: Her exact dimensions have got to be out there somewhere (though not on this blog), although I wouldn’t trust any dimensions you find any more than I’d trust the height dimensions of NBA players…

    kevin: HA!

    Paul: Paul! Are you living under a rock?! I thought you were just over in NJ…this girl is ALL over the place. I’m not saying she deserves to be…but we live in a culture where having the kind of body dimensions that make people do a search for “exact body dimensions” means you get your own reality show. Google her and you’ll come up with thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of images of her…I promise.

    jamminjabber: Thanks :)

  6. Duh’s avatar

    Maybe people are curious about the ratio and size of what they find most appealing? I’m sure this is more articulate than the reason most searchers are finding your blog. Is it any different than wondering what the height is of Shaq or the weight of Rush Limbaugh? Funny comic though.

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