#126 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics

Well we’re drawing to the end of the stick figures (and terrible dark genital parts jokes)…which for some will be the sad end of an era and for others will be a welcome relief. We’ve got one more day of it, so for those in the former category, savor these last moments, and for those of you in the latter, hang in there for one more day. Goodness knows what might happen next week…could be anything…


  1. shiv’s avatar

    that is the greatest tush i have EVER seen on a stick figure.

    adam is a lucky man. :)

  2. Paul’s avatar

    Heh, this one made me snort out loud! 😛

    But yeah, the point of being a stick figure is to be…sticky. So you might have to lose the boobs and butt much to Adam’s horror.

  3. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Babe, that deserves a double Unn. Unn! Unn! Baabee. Adam dropped his junk but you have some in your trunk!

    I’ll turn off the perve now.

    For a little bit.

    Like five minutes.

  4. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    shiv: My totally unrealistic stick figure self thanks you :)

    Paul: Good! That is ALWAYS the goal.

    TK42ONE: Perve? You? Unheard of!

  5. Holly’s avatar

    Damn! I’m not into chicks, but damn!

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