#164 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics – Guest Starring ‘The Tragic Penis-Man’…NSFW?

That’s right, back by popular demand, the “UNN!”

I’m not sure how much deeper (no pun) I can go with this Penis-Man bit…perhaps I should have guessed it from his character, but his jokes are a bit shallow, his gags a bit one note. Also, it’s really hard to write about him without everything sounding dirty. And I thought of a couple really good gags, but I mean honestly, I can’t bring myself to draw them…so we may have to move on…


  1. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Well, it was fun while it lasted!

    Long live Unn!

  2. Paul’s avatar

    Should I make a joke about the big dick in the woods hiding in a bush? Should I? Hmm? Hmm? 😛

  3. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    TK42ONE: I might have another one or two…we’ll see what the evening brings!

    Paul: Absolutely. How can you resist? Sounds like something else I don’t want to to draw though…

  4. spinachflame’s avatar

    Hilarious. It looks like Unn has a patch over one eye in one of the lower panels. Penis pirate.

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