Also from Generation Hope #6, some panels by Kieron Gillen and Salvador Espin. This was a hilarious bit in the book, which I think plays well here in just three panels, though there’s more in the book that makes it all even funnier. Nice work gents!
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Tags: comics!, Panel Of The Week
Not a strong covers week for my books, but I really liked this creepy Mike Del Mundo Generation Hope #6 cover. It’s even better once you read the interior story, which rocks. Woo!
Tags: comic covers, comics!, Cover Of The Week
Every once in a while I enjoy some funny bit of writing so much that writing wins out over art and takes panel of the week (or in this case, page of the week). This is from Kieron Gillen’s Uncanny X-Men #535. The art, which is lovely as always, but not some crazy mindblowing something (talking heads rarely are) is Terry and Rachel Dodson.
I just love Dr. Nemesis* and his bitchy little better than everyone else attitude…which must just be a thing I like, because it’s one of the reasons I enjoy Emma Frost so much as well. In fact, it might just be the writer in me knowing how deliciously fun those characters are to write. Suffice to say that when Dr. Nemesis and Emma trade witty bitchy barbs I am in HEAVEN. Anyway, Gillen nails it here, as Dr. Nemesis talks to Magneto in a way almost nobody talks to Magneto. I love when comics are fun. LOOOOVE IT.
Bonus points for use of “Nazis”, “Science sticks”, “Foolish Space Tin”, and referring to Cyclops as “The one-eyed visir” all in one awesome page. HI-LARIOUS.
PS – Ross, this is Dr. Nemesis! 😉
Not a strong week for my comic covers, so it’s an easy win for this lovely cover from Esad Ribic for Uncanny X-Force #7, even though it’s not remotely his best work on Uncanny X-Force thus far…
Tags: comic covers, comics!, Cover Of The Week
Also from Jonah Hex #66 and the fantastic Fiona Staples.
Wolves and Jonah Hex and snowstorms and a giant dead deer? SOLD!
Tags: comics!, Panel Of The Week
Sometimes less is more, except when it’s blood and then more is always more!
Go Fiona Staples with this excellent cover (and issue – her interior art is fantastic) from Jonah Hex #66!
Tags: comic covers, comics!, Cover Of The Week
Though I continued to read the regular “season eight” Buffy comics even when they annoyed me this past year, I’d fallen away from the more intense (and frequently confusing for me) Angel stuff. It’s entirely possible that that’s my fault and that I just wasn’t paying enough attention – there was a lot going on in some of those books. However drama between Willingham and Whedon’s people over all the Twilight nonsense (which I ended up hating anyway) didn’t help restore a lot of faith in what was going on in the books. All that to say that I wasn’t really intending to pick up Angel & Faith forthcoming from Dark Horse. Until today. Until I realized Rebekah Isaacs is going to be drawing it.
And now? I’m so in motherfuckers.
If you’re a fan of Isaacs, check out the interview at the link where writer Christos Gage tells a pretty great story about working with Isaacs (the rest of the interview is good too).
Also, check out the pieces I wrote on She Has No Head! about Isaac’s work on the miniseries DV8: Gods & Monsters – including a Brian Wood interview – here, here, and here. Sue, Maddy, and I have also talked about Isaacs and about her current series Magus on the 3 Chicks Review Comics podcast – episode #04 and episode #010.
And here, so you know can know in a moment what you’ve been missing, is my all-time favorite page of Isaac’s from DV8: Gods & Monsters:
No contest this week on Panel Of The Week…I knew it before I read any of my other comics. Some intense shit.
That said, do not click through the cut if you:
A) Read The Walking Dead and have not yet read The Walking Dead #83.
B) May one day read The Walking Dead and hate spoilers.
C) Are eating a sandwich.
Tags: comics!, Panel Of The Week
Not a very strong week for covers in my books, which makes this very pretty Zatanna #11 cover by Adam Hughes an easy pick. Plus I like to give him points for some restraint in the boobs/cleavage/etc. areas. This is still very pretty, and exceptionally executed, but without making me feel all squirmy as Hughes covers sometimes do.
More of this please, sir!
Tags: comic covers, comics!, Cover Of The Week
Sometimes you just gotta pick the simplest panel that is the best example of great storytelling and great character work.
When an artist can tell me the internal thoughts of a character in just a single expressive panel – in this case a tiny sliver of a character’s face – you have to realize you’re dealing with an insanely talented artist…the kind of artist that makes comics worth reading, worth loving.
As is the case with Phil Noto on this week’s Wolverine and Jubilee #3.
Take a look:
So goddamn good. Thank you Phil Noto!