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While I don’t like the implications of Justice League: Generation Lost #19‘s cover, it’s pretty hard to beat Dustin Nguyen when he is just BRINGING IT.

This is beautiful, simple, pared down and incredibly effective. The use of limited color, basic shapes, composition, positive and negative space…it’s just exceptional.

Any other week John Cassaday’s clever Superman #708 cover would have had a great shot at “best”, but Nguyen just nailed it.

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She-Hulks #4 gets lucky with a very weak week in my comics reading, and as such picks up panel of the week with a nice splash page by  Ryan Stegman of Jennifer and Lyra getting their butts kicked but doing it while well-dressed (and well-drawn).

This was my least favorite issue of the series, as it felt rushed and unsatisfying, and all the emotional beats fell completely flat, possibly in part because this was cut from an ongoing to a mini-series early on and the plotting may have been adjusted to fit that new schedule, but the art was still really good throughout.  It would have been nice to see this series, which had serious potential, given a chance.  I could have done with fewer bubble baths, cruise line crashes, and Jennifer and Lyra looking a little different (and definitely different ages!) but the costume choices were smart and well-considered throughout and the art overall was very pretty and easy to follow.  Too bad it was cut short.

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Easy pick this week if only because my pull list was so slim.  So an easy win for iZombie #10 by Mike Allred.

Bonus points for it being based on/inspired by this fantastic photograph as commenter JRSM pointed out a few months ago on Cover Solicits.

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Head on over to CSBG for the latest episode of 3 Chicks Review Comics, as well as a write up of what’s inside!

Sue, Maddy, and I are also actively looking from some listener feedback – so leave any comments you have in the comments on CSBG if you can.  Feedback is much appreciated!  Thanks all!

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So we’ve got a tie this week, mostly cause I just love me some Emma Frost and Chris Bachalo.  First is this great splash page panel by Daniel Acuna of Luke Cage (POWERMAN!) and his wife Jessica Jones (POWERWOMAN?) having dinner in New Avengers #8.

I love it.  It’s really fun and smart and has great attention to detail from the clothing of our heroes, to the one slightly falling sock of our waitress…it’s just damn fine looking comics.  And really, this scene goes on for several pages and with the exception of one very weird Jessica Jones expression panel it’s pretty fantastic.  I miss Stuart Immonen like crazy on this book already and am horribly disappointed that he’s no longer on the book…but Acuna is a good replacement if I have to have one.  I’m really bummed that I have to drop the book when Deodato (and Chaykin?) come on board…but maybe Acuna will stay?  Maybe I can keep reading?  In fairness to Deodato, I thought his cover to New Avengers #8 was pretty good, and very restrained in his depiction of Jones…which is usually where he loses me (his depiction of women).

click to enlarge

But I couldn’t resist Chris Bachalo’s great cartoon-y fun take on the X-Men and especially Emma Frost in this panel from X-Men #7. Apologies to Mr. Bachalo for the liberties I took (I had to crop a bit as it was an unwieldy shape – also the crease is terrible – double sorry!) but look past it please to the beautiful extremely detailed personality filled artwork there.  The combination of lights and darks, the highly complex detailed work, the great composition, character design and acting.  FABULOUS.  Also, Emma, you so funny.  :)

Click to enlarge!

And now for the fun stuff…

Apparently Emma’s clothing is SO CRAZY all the damn time, that even though Bachalo has made an effort to put Emma in pants (and thank you for that Mr. Bachalo) colorists DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS PANTS.

They probably went to color it and were like…”No…just regular pants?  That can’t be right…This is EMMA FROST!  I bet it’s some kind of weird underwear thigh-high boots situation…!”

And that is how you end up with something that looks like this:

Yeah.  That’s just wrong.  Even for Emma.

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I’ve never seen a Bachalo Batman/Catwoman before…it is AWESOME.  I love how Batman looks all grouchy and kind of thick while Selina is all lean and playful.  There’s such chemistry in this!  It’s just thick with energy and fun and personality.  Also?  Selina’s costume is badass.  I love the belt!

Thanks to DC Women Kicking Ass for the link!

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Fables #101 came close to taking it this week but this Uncanny X-Men #4 cover by Esad Ribic is just too cool not to win.  It’s not PERFECT, but it’s very interesting to me with the shapes and movement and composition.  It also manages to, despite being a style that looks very stiff and slick to me, have great movement and energy thanks to the composition and patterns.

Ross made a comment a while back in cover solicits that this cover would be even better if Psylocke’s skin was lighter here because it would further re-inforce the pale colors and dark patterned shapes – and I agree – but it’s still very cool.

All these covers are pretty interesting actually, but this is my favorite that we’ve seen so far.

Check out She Has No Head! for an advance review of Brian Wood and Ryan Kelly’s The New York Five #1 which releases in stores everywhere from Vertigo tomorrow!

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It’s hard to believe that it was only a year ago that I met Tim and his adorable girls Grace and Cate and was introduced to their great family drawing project 5 Minute Marvels.  I’ve been awestruck by all they’ve done this year – both as a family bonding project and in getting great artists involved in the adventure.  I am not a great artist, but I am a big fan and advocate of all they’re doing over there.  If you haven’t checked them out yet, please do so, and if it’s been a while, head on back and say hi.  There’s so much great art and wonderful energy to explore over there…it’s pretty much guaranteed to brighten your day.

And thanks Tim, for all the support over the last year, and mostly for letting me draw with you again for your anniversary!

Ms Marvel - the original inspiration for the project! - by Grace and Tim

Ms. Marvel by me. I've never drawn Ms. Marvel before (being a massive Rogue fan it somehow felt wrong) but it was tons of fun.

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Check out my interview on CBR/CSBG with Brian Wood & Ryan Kelly about their book releasing this week – The New York Five #1!

Covers to The New York Five #2, #3, and #4

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