I hope you don’t get your “Kelly Thompson” news from this blog which I have become just terrible at updating…if so you’re getting this COMPLETELY AWESOME news nearly a month late. But better late than never, yes?
So, I am indeed writing the new IDW comic book JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS, that launches in March (March 18th specifically).
Even better news, the absolutely phenomenal Ross Campbell (and also my good friend) will be doing the book with me – covers and interiors. This is an ongoing book and Ross will be with me for the first arc. And if the book is the big success we expect it to be, he’ll be back for the 3rd arc as well. So buy buy buy so we can do more more more!
The above image is the first cover to the first issue by Ross Campbell. Here we also have art for the four “classic Jem” covers by Amy Mebberson and the subscription cover by Sara Richard – all for issue #1
And THIS is the sparkly PREVIEWS cover that has Ross’s cover art on the back cover (and includes SPARKLY TEXT…it’s amazing) which is out this week. Previews has all the details on the special variants (you can even get a box set) and the necessary codes to give to your shop.

You can’t really see the sparkles in my crappy photo, but I assure you they are there, and they are magnificent.
We’ve also had some great interviews and articles go up: two pieces on io9, and at The Extraordinary League of Cosplay, as well as our first (of several forthcoming) podcast interviews – on my very own 3 Chicks Review Comics, Comics Alliance, The Mary Sue, Comics Alliance, The Mary Sue, CBR, Newsarama, The Nerdist, Bleeding Cool, and of course IDW Publishing.
And THIS is your look at cover #2 featuring Ross Campbell’s redesigned MISFITS. So cool.
Also, if you’ve been missing out on all this awesomeness…your best options are to follow me on twitter (@79Semifinalist) and/or on my tumblr (1979 Semi-Finalist) which are more regularly updated these days than the blog!