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But there’s a really really good reason for it.  Sorta.  I somehow missed the boat initially when the issues were coming out, even though I’d heard about it and was interested all along.  And then I missed enough issues that it was going to be difficult to catch up…without missing issues and having holes.  So I figured I’d wait until they came out all collected and I could read them in one sitting (which is my favorite way to read a great series anyway).  But the shit was taking WAY too long.  So here we are.

I finally got my hands on the first two big collected volumes a few weeks ago and plowed through them in a day.  Amazing stuff.  And then, unable to wait for however long it might take for everything else to come out, I hunted down the rest of the issues and read everything else in a couple days.

Amazing stuff.


Y The Last Man.  Brian K. Vaughan (writer), Pia Guerra (illustrator). Fiction – Graphic Novel/Comics.


So for anyone who doesn’t know, Y The Last Man is essentially about Yorick, the last man on earth (along with his monkey – Ampersand – also male) after something kills all the men on the planet except him (er…them).

Yorick is a wonderfully layered character and he is surrounded by fascinating women, of all kinds, which is so refreshing to see in popular comics that I just don’t really have words to describe how happy it made me.  Vaughan’s world is filled with women that are good and bad and beautiful and ugly and horrifying and badass and brilliant, they are all of these things, because women ARE all of these thing, rather than just “sexy” as they so often get boiled down to in comics.  And Vaughan has established himself, at least in my mind, as being a writer that can write the hell out of women.  He gets it and I would welcome his take on any number of things I love any day.  It’s interesting to know that one of his other wildly successful projects, Runaways, also stars a mostly female cast.  Interesting.

Y The Last Man takes place over sixty issues, and one of the great strengths is that artist Pia Guerra is always there – so the art is always consistent and it’s fair to say, consistently gorgeous.  Guerra is a master and it’s such a treat to be able to see an entire series collected together with no deviation in the art.  Even in the best of circumstances an artist is rarely able to do every single issue of the series, so this is a real treat.

Guerra’s style matches Vaughan’s writing perfectly, and the result is one of those perfect books we rarely get to see in comics.

y the last man cover

My only complaint, and it’s a mild one, is the ending.  Like many fans of the story, I really did want a satisfying “answer” for what caused the plague.  I understand why Vaughan doesn’t give it to us – life – real life – is rarely that simple and spelled out and so it’s realistic for him to suggest possible answers but not say for sure, but so much time is spent on it over the 60-issues that I couldn’t help but feel disappointed and maybe a little cheated not to get a real resolution.  It felt a little like he’d possibly written himself into a hole he wasn’t sure how to escape from.  Regardless, the story in its entirety will remain a benchmark in graphic novels/comics for years to come and has solidified Vaughan’s status in my mind as both a sensational writer and also one of the few men out there who write women as well as women themselves do.

4.5 Stars

Also, if you want more information on Y The Last Man (though beware of spoilers) the wikipedia page is really detailed about the series – very nice. 


Lolita.  Vladimir Nabokov.  Fiction.

Occh.  How do I solve a problem like reviewing Lolita?

I have no freaking idea.

Here’s the thing…

1.  There’s just no denying it’s brilliant, despite the seriously uncomfortable subject matter.  And important serious books should be written about uncomfortable subject matter.  However…

2.  It’s disturbing to wake up and realize how unqualified I feel to give a significant considered review of said important but disturbing subject matter.  It’s complicated and I’m finding it very hard to critique the actual work rather than the subject matter and how I personally feel about it.

Things to consider:

A.  I don’t love the way Nabokov writes.  Oh I can appreciate the hell out of it, but personally it’s a bit wordy and overly descriptive for my tastes.  I get bored quickly with descriptions of things that I don’t think are important (and usually aren’t).

B.  I do have to give Nabokov credit however for making me feel for Humbert Humbert without Nabokov begging or whining on his behalf.  I didn’t want to like him, and I didn’t, but I also freaking hated Lolita.  Perhaps that’s a foregone conclusion since we’re seeing everything from Humbert’s perspective, but I had trouble tapping into his love for Lolita (maybe because I didn’t want to) and could only find annoyance and frustration for her.  For me, if there’s a character more unlikable in Lolita than Humbert, it’s Lolita.

C.  I also feel compelled to consider all of the Lolita alternate covers and the film…because it’s all an important part I think of how the Lolita…lexicon if you will, has developed over time.


For example, the cover above is the cover from the book I read.  I feel pretty blah about it (it was on sale at The Strand).  It’s decidedly sexual, but that could be an 18 or even a 25 year-old woman’s skin and mouth on the cover (a 25 year-old woman with decidedly awesome young skin, but still).  Whereas this is the cover from the copy Adam was reading.


Which is, to me, decidedly more disturbing…considering it’s Lolita we’re talking about and those legs look very young and awkward and decidedly innocent and unsexy.  But look at these other covers….


Some of them are a bit incendiary (considering) and more accurate I think to what is supposed to be going on in the book (#1, #2, #3, and #5) and make me feel slightly different about the content inside.  Covers #6 and #7 are decidedly less creepy as the women depicted seem a more appropriate age to be sexually active by choice, and cover #8 is just ridiculous, I mean that woman is like 30 and has a mustache for christ’s sake, I’m sure she’s been sexually active, and rightly so, for ages.  Cover #4 is my favorite if only because I like the sketchy quality and because it’s the only one that doesn’t try to specifically put a look or feeling or age to Lolita, it’s abstract enough that I have to use only what Nabokov gives me in the book…which is the way it should be.

What about this one?


It takes the prize as the super creepiest.  But maybe the most accurate?  Even though it’s a little abstract, knowing what’s on the inside and that the simple line drawing is not a sweet moment between father and child but between sexual predator and child makes it the most disturbing of the bunch (except maybe #8 and her mustache).

I also feel I have to consider the famous film adapted from the novel, by Kubrick and Nabokov himself.  THIS is not the Lolita I was picturing while reading.

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Tea and other Ayama Na Tales.  Eleanor Bluestein.  Short Fiction Collection.

Today 1979 Semi-Finalist is featuring a stop on Eleanor Bluestein’s Blog Tour for her debut short fiction collection, Tea and other Ayama Na Tales.  Today’s post is my review of Bluestein’s book, but please come back on Monday, April 20th, for my interview with her.

On Monday I will also be announcing the winner of a free copy of her book courtesy of Ms. Bluestein,  BkMk Press and TLC Book Tours.  Enter to win by posting the name of your favorite short fiction collection (or stand alone story, or novel if you’re not big on short fiction – yet!) in the comments below and come back Monday to see who won.*

Bluestein’s Ayama Na is an amazing and intricately drawn world, so well conceived and elegantly plotted that if she didn’t admit straight off that it was fictional I would have spent hours online searching for the tiny nation, wondering how I’d missed it in the history and geography classes of my youth.

I don’t know what inspired Bluestein to create such a layered and fascinating nation for her fictional tales, but it’s a stroke of genius.  I loved how her stories flowed together, they were arranged in the perfect order, one flowing into another flawlessly, the characters connected by their Ayama Na heritage, but not connected so closely that our journey through Ayama Na was small.  I felt through the stories a complete sense of the entire nation of Ayama Na from its war torn countrysides to its teeming and shaky urban development.

I thought Hamburger School, AIBO or Love at First Sight, and North of The Faro were incredibly well crafted tales – beautifully written character studies within her fascinating world.  They were the true standouts for me of the collection.

Read the rest of this entry »


Like You’d Understand, Anyway.  Jim Shepard.  Short Fiction Collection.

I feel a little bit like I’m the guy Shepard is talking to in the title.  Because, sometimes, I just didn’t understand (anyway?).  There were stories in this collection that I absolutely adored (The Zero Meter Diving Team; Proto-Scorpions of the Silurian; The First South Central Australian Expedition; Eros 7;  Courtesy for Beginners; and Sans Farine) but others left me bored and frustrated.

I don’t blame Shepard though, he’s a beautiful writer,  and I suspect that it’s more my failing as a reader. Shepard deals largely in this collection with brotherly relationships – and I certainly don’t have a problem with brotherly relationships, but as a woman, it’s not my most relatable subject matter…and so when most of the stories trend this way (as they do) I found myself a little bored.

Additionally, Shepard writes in a fantastically descriptive way and I just generally prefer a more sparse style.  For example, in Eros 7, which turned out to be one of my favorite stories, the first line that really truly drew me in was:

“I will become, then, the tenth person, the sixth Russian, and the first woman in space.”

Great sentence, but it comes three paragraphs in, and buried at the end of one.  Now, this doesn’t matter too much when I’m reading a collection, because I’ve already committed to (and likely purchased) the book, but if I’m reading a story in a literary magazine, then if you don’t have a line that draws me in before the third paragraph, I’ve probably already put your piece down.

Chalk it up to a short attention span and (relative) youth I guess and I’m happy to take the blame for it…but as a writer of both full length and short fiction works I guess I feel like it’s asking for a lot these days to make me wait three or four paragraphs for the great sentence that maybe just should have been the first line.  Perhaps more established writers like Shepard (he’s previously published the novel Project X and Love and Hydrogen: New and Selected Stories as well as a handful of other works including five more novels) have the clout, either through name or reputation that better readers than me will hang in there with him regardless of when the hook comes in the story.  Certainly all of the pieces in this collection were published by incredibly prestigious publications (including McSweeney’s, The New Yorker, and Tin House) – but I don’t honestly believe that a less established writer would be given such a long rope…and that pisses me off a little bit.

In the end, I can’t condemn the collection, beyond having a fantastic title and cover (which are two of my “should I buy it benchmarks”), the stories, even the ones that didn’t wow me, were still incredibly well crafted and strong – telling tales that quite frankly – may be beyond me.  But it just did not speak to me personally or emotionally.  I got bogged down in descriptive details that I didn’t care about and even had trouble understanding and connecting to the various relationships Shepard presented.  When it worked for me (Courtesy for Beginners) it worked so very well, but when it didn’t (My Aescheylus) I was epically disappointed.

I’m going to log it at 3 Stars – solidly in the middle – with the knowledge that it probably deserves better.  Maybe I’ll try it again in another couple years and see if I’ve matured to Shepard’s level.


Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic.  By Alison Bechdel.

Years ago I was writing and drawing a graphic novel that is fiction, but is based loosely on a relationship I endured when I was 25.  I still hope one day to return to it and publish it, and I also hope that it has benefited from sitting on a shelf for five or six years, as with time (and maturity) I have found flaws in the way I chose to tell the story that I wouldn’t have been able to see at 25.  I think it is a love of that shelved project that sent me running to Alison Bechdel’s book Fun Home the second I learned about it.  Let’s not dwell on the fact that I should have known about the book at least a year earlier, and instead focus on the positive…I found out about it and went to buy it that same day, and then read it that same evening, cover to cover.

It’s a wonderful book and I have to commend Bechdel for being so unflinchingly honest in relaying her story.  I think in a graphic novel it’s even more difficult to be honest than in a prose memoir, because it’s not just words, but also pictures, which speak so loudly on their own.  And yet Bechdel is not only brutally frank in her portrayal of herself (hard enough to be non-biased as it is), but also of her relationship with her father, and her father himself, which is no small task, especially considering that her father died, likely a suicide.  I doubt I’ll ever be capable of such honesty in storytelling, but I’m always going to aim for it, and I think I’ll start using Bechdel as my benchmark.

First let’s talk about the art, which is sublime.  Check out this panel (from one of my favorite pages in the entire book) in which you get everything so clearly – who Bechdel is (was), who her father is, how their relationship works…all in the space of a single panel.  AND it’s funny.  Beautiful stuff. I can’t get over her perfect expression while dusting that frustrating chair.  This is the expression of dusting children everywhere.


Beyond the artistic achievement of Fun Home, it is also well written, though it’s less about beautiful language than it is about memory and reality and the rawness of all that comes with that. Bechdel is served well by the diaries of her youth, which are shocking in retrospect and so insightful about all that was happening to and around her as a child.  It’s a fascinating study of youth and relationships.

From a strictly shallow standpoint, the arc of Bechdel’s story has some slow points where the story really drags compared to the piece overall, which generally moves smoothly and quickly.  It’s a challenging story to tell in one piece as there are many elements from childhood through adulthood to address, most of which relate directly to her father, but some of which are tied more loosely to her father and require a bit of a stretch in her formatting of the story.

I’m not sure it’s a failing so much with Bechdel’s narrative as it is a failing of me as a reader, being the impatient video game playing generation that I am I became frustrated looking for the “resolution”.  Of course in reality, which Bechdel is very clearly dealing with here, life is rarely so “resolution-y”, and so I have trouble blaming her narrative.  I think in the end, whether a few areas dragged and took me off path or not, Bechdel was honest with the material, telling it in the most genuine way she could, a massive undertaking of which I think she is wildly successful.

4.5 Stars


McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern #30.  Editor, Dave Eggers.  Short Fiction Collection.

For some reason it’s been a long time since I’ve gotten all the way through an issue of McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern.  I don’t know why that is and I’m inclined to blame myself, rather than McSweeneys.  But man am I glad I’m back.  Without even realizing it I read all eleven stories and 167 pages of McSweeney’s most recent issue (#30) and it was great to be back with my friends.

I started, strangely enough with Kevin Moffit’s Further Interpretations of Real-Life Events, which was story number three chronologically, and which I didn’t intend to read first – I was headed for story number four – Bad Karma by Etgar Keret – when I stumbled upon these words in Moffit’s story, “Full of bees.”  This piqued my interest and I went back a few sentences so I could see what the hell he was talking about, here’s the passage:

[“It wasn’t all the time.” He pushed his glasses up on his nose and looked at me. “You should try writing about her, if you haven’t already.  You find yourself unearthing all sorts of things.  Stories are just like dreams.”

Something about his advice irritated me.  It brought to mind his casually boastful author’s note, This is his first published story.  “Stories aren’t dreams,” I said.

“They’re not? What are they, then?”

“I didn’t know.  All I knew was that if he thought they were dreams, then they had to be something else. “They’re jars,” I said, “Full of bees.  You unscrew the lid and out come the bees.”]

HELLO – I’M IN LOVE.  That passage sent me back to the beginning of Moffit’s story, and then to the beginning of the quarterly to read it all the way through, front to back, as intended.  And it was wonderful.  All the stories were strong.  Some standouts for me were:  Kevin Moffit’s Further Interpretations of Real-Life Events; Etgar Keret’s Bad Karma; Carson Mell’s Diamond Aces; J. Malcolm Garcia’s Cuts; Catherine Bussinger’s Foothill Boulevard; and Wells Tower’s Retreat.  Matei Visniec’s Madness, went beyond being a standout…and well over into the brilliant category.  The only complaint I had with Madness is that I wanted more more more.

But now let’s get to the real meat of this post, the fact that one of the best stories in entire collection is a piece called Pinecone by Michael Cera.  Yes, I said Michael FUCKING Cera.  You know the one.  Why is the world so unfair…that someone gets to be Michael Cera and ALSO gets to be a great writer of short fiction.  The world my friends is a cruel cruel place.  I’d be pissed at Mr. Cera if I wasn’t so hopeful that he’ll write and publish more stories.

Overall I give McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern #30 4.0 Stars and anxiously await my next issue.


Delicate Edible Birds.  By Lauren Groff.  Short Fiction Collection

Wow.  I really don’t even know how to begin.  I’m always complaining that my biggest problem with short story collections, which I read frequently, is that when viewed as a whole,  they tend to be uneven.  In other words, some stories are amazing and others are just “eh”.  Recently I read a collection by Katherine Shonk titled Red Passport and was surprised because it was the most well balanced collection I had read in years, unfortunately, though I enjoyed the collection, I was ultimately really let down by the way she chose to end each of the pieces, thus keeping it from being the fulfilling experience I had hoped for.  So the world must have heard my whining and complaining because it sent me Lauren Groff’s wonderful and delicious Delicate Edible Birds.  In fairness, the world sent me Groff’s book through a fantastic new blog called Andrew’s Book Club (so thank you Andrew!).

I don’t think I’ve read a collection this spectacular since, well quite frankly I’m not sure I ever have.  It is certainly the best contemporary collection I’ve read in recent memory.  I’m not sure it can beat out one of my long time favorites, Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger, but I’m also not sure it’s fair to compare the two.  Contemporary short fiction is very different I think than reading classic collections by authors like Salinger and Hemingway.  Mind you I’m not making a judgement that contemporary short fiction is better or worse – just different.  In the past I’ve had trouble comparing them (apparently I still do).  Regardless, I can’t think of a real flaw in Groff’s entire collection.  Every single story was moving, engaging, emotionally resonant, and beautifully crafted.  She had interesting ideas that hooked me from the first lines, and finely crafted characters and even her simplier tales moved me, twice to tears and once (in the title piece Delicate Edible Birds) to an impotent rage that I don’t think I’ve ever experienced before in reading a short story.  Amazing.

Every single story delivered.  The one story that I would select as my least favorite (Fugue) was still a fine story, but I did find it a bit confusing with many female characters/names, and a deliberately confusing storyline that involved amnesia and multiple location shifts.  It had the least emotional resonance for me, and delivered the least in the end for me of all the pieces.  I’d list my other favorites, but that’s probably all the rest of them, ah hell, I’ll list them anyway:

Lucky Chow Fun begins so simply, but has an incredibly powerful undertow running throughout it, constantly threatening to drag you under.  This story threatens terrible things, but refreshingly, only delivers some of them, which is accurate I think to how life really works and serves to make the story that much more powerful.

L. Debard and Aliette is a haunting and lovely tale about true love and Romeo & Juliet level ‘missed connection’. This one though beautiful and full of wonderful moments, has a terrible bite to it that shocked me in its intensity.

Majorette is a brutally honest and desperate little gem about a family that begins and ends in ways I never expected.

Blythe is a sharp and cutting tale about art and women and the human perspective that I found wonderfully enjoyable.

The Wife of the Dictator is an exposing tale of politics and gossip, told in the third person omniscent “we” that I have only experienced once before (in Joshua FerrisThen We Came To The End) and which I thought he handled well, but that few others could manage without sounding like pretentious jerks.  Suffice to say there is not a pretentious jerk to be seen in Groff’s story, and in fact, it is somehow the perfect perspective for a group of gossipy women stuck on the outside of a situation, bored and judging.  It works exceptionally well.

Watershed in the hands of a lesser writer could be cliche and overwrought but is instead beautiful and desperate and horribly horribly sad and real, poignant in a way most writers aim for and miss by a mile (me included).  Watershed moved me to frequent tears.  No small feat.

Sir Fleeting wonderfully charts the life of a woman and her life long flirtation with a dashing man that never really manifests in the ways she expects.  This story was fascinating in its ability to turn expectation (both the character’s and the reader’s) on its ear.  Really solid stuff.

And Delicate Edible Birds.  I suppose of all of those that I loved, Watershed and L. Debard and Aliette stayed with me the most – until I read the last piece, the title piece, Delicate Edible Birds, which truly moved me in a way I have never before been moved in a short work.   Birds, written in third person seemlessly tells the story of five reporters in France during World War II, the transitions were so smooth and the characters so well drawn that it almost felt like five different first person tales…I had to go back while writing this actually to confirm that it IS in fact written in third.  It is.  Brilliant.  And this story, which kept me rapt with every turning page, left me naked and angry and helpless in its last sentences.  Which is not a bad thing…in fact it’s like some kind of storytelling miracle.  If it wasn’t so perfect as is I would have begged for more.

Groff has a novel out there as well, The Monsters of Templeton, which I’ve added to my list of books to buy, and I suggest you run, don’t walk, to your nearest bookstore for both of these as well.  5.0 Stars (out of 5).

Red Passport Cover

The Red Passport.  Katherine Shonk.  Short Fiction Collection.

I read a lot of short fiction collections because I love short fiction, and as much as I enjoy reading them, when it comes time to write a review I always have the same problem with them…they’re always uneven.

Some stories are awesome at unheard of levels and others are either disappointing or just average.  I had the exact opposite experience with this collection by Katherine Shonk, The Red Passport.  It was incredibly consistent – which I had genuinely begun to believe was not possible in short fiction collections, and which excited me – but unfortunately in the end it was consistent in a way that disappointed me.

I think with every story in Shonk’s eight story collection (with the exception of maybe one story that I had difficulty getting into The Young People of Moscow) I was drawn into her exquisite world instantly.  Her proverbial hook was placed early, and within the span of a few paragraphs at most I felt I just had to know what was going to happen to her characters, but with every story, without fail, I was disappointed in the endings (ironically I think the ending that worked the best for me was in The Young People of Moscow).

Like any reader I like a certain amount of closure or understanding in the things I take time to read, but unlike readers of kind of mass fiction (I’m generalizing here) I think I’m less prone to need perfect closure or happy endings or everything worked out nicely – I appreciate some ambiguity – I like to have to really think about what is going to happen to these characters…and what could happen…after the sentence ends.  But Shonk didn’t even give me a chance to point her characters in a direction.

It almost felt like I would be reading along, enjoying a beautiful narrative piece, and then all of a sudden it would veer into almost experimental fiction.  Some readers might really love this technique, but it really didn’t work for me, and it was a let down and a surprise every single time (apparently I don’t have much of a learning curve).  Ultimately I was left incredibly sad by the collection, because for me it seemed like such wasted brilliance…like every story was 95% complete and wonderful, and then 5% just unfinished and not committed to…and that 5%, especially when it’s the ending is really important.

I’ll definitely be taking this lesson into my own work, as often when I write short fiction I like more ambiguity than I think my potential readers would wish for…I’ll be examining many of my endings in the future…trying to put just enough there to satisfy.

Of the stories, I liked Kitchen Friends the least overall, and loved Honey Month the most, but was also the most disappointed in its ending.  The Conversation, The Death of Olga Vasilievna, Our American, My Mother’s Garden, and The Wooden Village of Kizhi were all wonderful, until that last 5% where I just felt completely unfulfilled.

In the end I’m giving the book 2.5 stars because the writing is phenomenal – the details and characters are fantastic, and I loved the fact that all the stories took place in Russia, which was fascinating, but in the end, not being able to deliver that last 5% really killed it for me.

Since I keep track of what I read on this blog I want to post that I finished the book Superpowers by David J. Schwartz.  But I’m not going to post a review (or a starred rating) because considering the book I’m writing I guess I feel almost like it’s a conflict of interest.

The second post I ever made on this blog was a review of Soon I Will Be Invincible, which I took down for the same reason.  Feel free to call me out on this, but I really feel icky about talking about these books considering my own work in progress.

UPDATE: This was once a 2,000 + word review of nine different books…Motherf’ing WordPress failed to save the draft (even though it showed me it was saving all along) and I just don’t have the heart (or time) to rewrite the whole goddamn thing. So all you’re getting are pictures, titles, and ratings (and this annoying little intro below, which did get saved). If you have any specific questions about the books or ratings listed below, feel free to email and I’ll be happy to elaborate.  Onward…if not upward…

So, as previously mentioned, I’ve been terrible about posting book reviews this year. Perhaps because I drag my feet and don’t post them immediately, and then once I move on to a new book, writing about the last book seems less interesting. So then I’m left doing them in these great big chunks…which is, quite frankly, a huge pain. I’ll add this to my list of things to work on for next year, both for myself and for the blog…in the meantime here’s a big chunk o’ book reviews to close out the year.

Oh, for the record, these last books put me at 25 books for the year (counting a few comic collections), which is less than half of what I read last year (52) but I feel okay about that, I liked most of what I read, loved some of it, and still had enough time to read a lot of the literary magazines and short fictions that came my way, as well as getting a lot of writing and drawing done. As much as I love to read, and as great an accomplishment as 52 books in a year was, I just don’t have the time to do that and to also be as productive as necessary. 25 books seems like a reasonable compromise…

In no particular order…


THEN WE CAME TO THE END by Joshua Ferris. Fiction. 4.0 Stars


MEN WITHOUT WOMEN by Ernest Hemingway. Short Fiction. 4.0 Stars


WHAT JUST HAPPENED by Art Linson.  Non-Fiction.  3.0 stars


LOCKE 1928 by Shawna Yang Ryan. Fiction. 4.0 Stars


HAVE YOU NO SHAME? AND OTHER REGRETTABLE S STORIES by Rachel Shukert. Short Fiction. 3.5 Stars


WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? by Jason (writer/artist). Graphic Novel/Comic. 4.0 Stars


A BETTER ANGEL by Chris Adrian. Short Fiction. 4.0 Stars


ULTIMATE X-MEN VOL. 1 & VOL.2 (issues 1 – 12) by Mark Millar (writer), Andy Kubert, Adam Kubert (pencils vol. 1), Adam Kubert, Tom Rahney, and Tom Derenick (pencils vol. 2). 3.5 stars Vol. 1, 2.5 stars Vol. 2 – Average 3.0 Stars.

thanks to Deviant Art for the image above.

ULTIMATE X-MEN ISSUES #13 – #25. Mark Millar (writer issues 15 – 25), Chuck Austen (writer issues 13 & 14). Adam Kubert (pencils issues 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, and 25), Essad Ribic (pencils issues 13 & 14), Chris Bachalo (pencils issues 18 & 19), Kaare Andrews (pencils issues 23 & 24). 2.0 Stars

It’s worth noting that without the absolutely atrociously written Austen issues (13 & 14) this collection would jump at least one full star to 3.0.

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