
You are currently browsing the archive for the boyfriends category.


Oh yeah, we’re looking at a whole week of Civilization 4/boyfriend posts…enjoy ’em…


Ah, Civilization 4…how I hate you.

Adam has protested that he does not actually stick out his tongue while playing this game, and he is right, but there is an intense look of concentration that is mostly frustrating, but occasionally cute, that I’m just not a great enough cartoonist to capture, this was the best way I could represent it.

Also, I’m going to do an experiment this week and post comics daily, Monday thru Friday.  I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up that pace and continue it (especially with my new pseduo-NaNoWriMo commitment), and if it’s not rewarding enough (e.g. not enough blog hits, comments, etc.) then I probably won’t even bother trying again…but we’ll see.  Wish me luck, and thanks for reading!

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