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Yes, apparently I am in the minority to have been paying my fair share (or more) over the years.  And in Adam’s defense it has always been that way with me.  I don’t know why.  I could certainly probably get used to someone paying my way…actually that might make me totally uncomfortable.  Nevermind.

I didn’t mean to end the week on such a sad little strip…but that’s just the way it worked out.  Maybe it was unconscious considering my mood lately. 

Did you all watch the VP Debate last night?  Biden was amazing.  And while the Katie Couric Palin didn’t show up, the one that does know how to find a coherant sentence (mostly) but that still speaks in folksy generalities and never answers an actual question showed up and fooled a good percentage of Americans (again) with her “straight talk”.  Let’s be clear – it’s NOT STRAIGHT TALK…they have NO ANSWERS…NO PLAN…it’s a horrible train (bridge?) to nowhere! 

According to polls though Biden won the debate (duh) and Obama Biden are still ahead, so I remain hopefully optimistic while the world crumbles around us…

And on that note, Happy Friday everyone, have a great weekend…

Yeah.  Disappointing.  And now he’ll probably never let me do it again (of course I’ll forget it wasn’t very fun and totally become obsessed with the idea again).  I think it’s more about being extravagant and waited on and pampered than anything else –  there’s something about being able to see movies still in theaters while in a giant king-sized bed hotel room and having someone bring me a sandwich and a milkshake that just really makes me feel happy inside.  But it was a let down, I’ll try to hold on to that part of the equation so that it doesn’t happen again…

It’s sad but true.  Adam and I both sometimes like to sleep on our stomach with a knee cocked out from our body, which we cannot both do in a queen size bed, not unless we want to bang knees painfully…but in a KING size bed, anything is possible!  Don’t get me wrong, I love a good cuddle, but when it’s time to sleep, I want to believe I’m in that bed alone*…which is only possible in a king sized bed. 

*Unless of course I have a nightmare, and then I don’t want to be alone anymore…I know, I know, you can’t have it both ways…except you CAN when you have a KING sized bed.  Can anyone guess what I want for Christmas?  :)

Apparently some of you are woefully uneducated when it comes to Vampirella…let me educate you.  Above is an awesome sketch of Vampirella by the legendary Bruce Timm. Below is a totally different less cartoon-y (and more like she is usually handled in the comics) version of Vampirella by the brilliant Adam Hughes.

And here’s a link to Vampirella on wikipedia so you can read all about the strangeness that is the creation of this totally slutty looking “heroine” (anti-heroine?) known as Vampirella.

Why don’t you, my valued readers, know about these things?!  I know how much you appreciate me for bringing you this vital knowledge that surely you could not have gotten through another day without…no thanks are necessary…

For more fun, here’s some other great Adam Hughes superhero-ish art.  The X-men, or rather X-women (my girl Rogue on the left there)…

And a great one of Catwoman

And I don’t even read Powergirl or know much about her except that her costume is stupid considering her physique and that they did a fun Project:Rooftop on her, but this image by Hughes is fantastic.

Yeah, I’m still having trouble concentrating…anyone else?

The Project:Rooftop VAMPIRELLA results are in. And below is the submission that I never submitted. I’m totally pissed at myself, but I was behind in getting it finished and then my confidence ebbed right away and then I shelved it. It would have been fun to participate…myabe next time.

Here’s the first sketch:

And this is the final version that remains, you guessed it…uncolored…

Yeah, I fixed it.  Finally.  It was so annoying to realize that the only skipping songs were legally purchased from itunes and everything else was playing fine…itunes jerks.  But I updated the pod, restored to original settings, and re-uploaded everything, and we’re back to non-skipping happiness.  Thank the gods.  I hate when technology goes from making my life easier to making it harder and more frustrating. 

Have a great weekend everyone.  It’s delightfully rainy here in NYC and looks like it will be for a couple days so I’ll be cuddling up for the weekend and watching it come down, except for Sunday when I’ll have to venture out for writing group.  I do love the rain, so long as I’m not stuck out in it.

That’s right Anna*, you rock that side ponytail.  Sadly I could not find a picture on the interwebs of said side ponytail so you could see how awesome it is, but if you saw episode #2 of True Blood you KNOW what I’m talking about.

So what about True Blood?  Is anybody watching it other than Adam and I?  It doesn’t seem like it, yet it has already been renewed for a second season.  I’m glad HBO is giving it a chance, but I’d gladly trade True Blood (season one or two) for a third season of Carnivale

What can I say about True Blood?  I guess I can say that I desperately WANT to like it, but that it continues to fail me, but not enough that I can actually write it off just yet.  I will say that without Anna Paquin I would have checked out immediately, the one thing True Blood has done (other than teach me about Paquin’s ability to rock side ponytails) is that I’m even more smitten with Anna Paquin than ever.  She’s just gorgeous.  I don’t love the accent, but it’s passable and I could do with less wide-eyed acting, but otherwise she’s pretty much saving the show for me.  The main vampire character Bill is slowly growing on me, but just when I feel like he’s reigned the character in we get another weird over the top scene that is pretty laughable. 

The biggest problem for me with the show so far is that the characters are fairly stereotypical and the actors they have chosen for these stereotyped roles may lack the ability to add the necessary dimension to take them to the next level – right now they just appear to be overacting in every scene which makes everything laughable. Sookie’s (Paquin) best friend Tara (Rutina Wesley) and Sookie’s brother Jason (Ryan Kwanten) are probably the worst over-acting offenders, other than the actors playing the other over the top vampires (that we’re kind of just getting introduced to now), but everyone is pretty guilt of it at this point, including at times Paquin.  I know the overall style of the show is designed to be somewhat campy and over the top, but in its current form it’s making it difficult to take any of it seriously or connect with any of the characters. 


The other problem for me is that so far, the only thing supernatural about the True Blood world is Vampires…oh, and that Sookie can read minds.  Yeah.  I have a problem with this.  It needs to be explained, or more things in the True Blood world need to be revealed as “not what they seem”…you throw a werewolf in there, or a guy who changes into a dog (hint), or some other weird crap and suddenly I can buy that Sookie can read minds, but right now, with the world as is, it doesn’t work.  At all. 

I’ll hang in there for now (let’s call it 2.5 stars for now), but mostly just because there’s not much else on TV that I’m interested in (though I eagerly await the Pushing Daises premiere). 

Here’s a photo of Sookie and Bill from True Blood:

Here’s a shot of Anna Paquin with the new blonde hair:

And here, because I’m totally smitten, is Anna looking absolutely GORGEOUS in some silly magazine:

* And yes, she’s naked in my comic at the top of the page – if only because it’s now officially a nice running gag. 

Yeah, one of the “getting hit on” elements we haven’t talked about on here is that it usually happens to me when I look terrible, which is just weird.  Didn’t take a shower today?  Expect to get hit on.  Left work early because you’ve got a fever and a head cold?  Expect to get pulled over in the parking lot by some guy who “would love to take you out”.  Wearing old sweats and no makeup?  Expect an “UNN!”.  It’s totally bizarre. 

Maybe I’m the bizarro world definition of “cleans up nice”…i.e. “un-cleans up nice”.  Bizarre.

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