comic of the week

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can you believe it?  a second comic strip…delivered on time!  i know, i can’t believe it either.

so i thought about spending all this time prefacing the strip, saying how this is not the style i hope this strip will turn into, that i am still experimenting with brush pens since my inking is so shitty in this one, that i would prefer to use a standard three panel strip but that more often than not my “gags” need more flexibility than that, that i have been sketching a lot to try to bring my drawing level back to what it was three years ago (which was still not great), that the only thing i draw worse than drawing myself is a big perspective shot, that i’ve always been and always will be a better writer than an artist – so hopefully the writing gags will rescue the pitiful art…whatever…it’s all just bs.  here’s the strip and we’ll see what comes of it.  enjoy – and thanks for reading.  as always, your feedback is welcome…unless it’s about the shape of Adam’s head (Josh that means you!)

ps – i was trying to think of a good name for this strip, but everything i came up with was incredibly cheesy…so suggestions are welcome.  if someone actually comes up with a great title that i can use maybe they could win a crappy original sketch…signed by yours truly…

the formatting of this blog is not great for comics as the column is too thin.  i’m going to have to consider changing my format if comics are going to continue to be at the forefront on this blog.  in the meantime, you need to click the thumbnail below to get a readable version.


Adam and i were very excited to learn that The New York Times would be running a weekly strip from Dan Clowes (awesome!).  it was almost enough to get us to subscribe to the Times.  unfortunately we are not only on a tight budget these days, but with a fourth floor walk up, the odds of the Times actually sitting there waiting for us when we woke up in the morning are like 10 to 1, so we’re going to hold off until we’re in a more Times delivery friendly building.  Adam’s wonderful co-worker Reina however pulled the strip for Adam and he scanned it for me, and now i bring it to you as the comic of the week…! 

of course my weekly strip (i’m not even going to address the fact that i haven’t posted my premiere stip yet) will NEVER be this good, let alone in color, but everyone should get to see Clowes beautiful work, so here it is (click the image to see it larger – and more “readable”). 


thank you Reina!

i got this great link from Pop Candy for the “top 8 webcomics”…it’s a pretty good list.

guaranteed i’ll never be on this list (assuming i even ever actually post an actual webcomic. next week it’s gonna happen…i swear…does anyone believe me?  no…i guess not).  anyway, some of this stuff is hilarious, even when the art is terrible, which is a great reminder that the art does not have to be brilliant for the writing and art to work together to bring something brilliant to the masses.

for my money the best is Creased Comics

by the genius that brought you George Washington and Babycakes…hilarious off the wall stuff.

there’s some pretty great stuff there, but for straight humor factor Penny Arcade, Over-Compensating, and The Perry Bible Fellowship have my vote.  thanks to Pop Candy for the article link.

below are a couple brilliant Creased Comics.





for the record: in these panels and in everything i’ve sketched so far in gearing up for this strip i somehow manage to make myself look better than reality and adam look worse than reality.  which i suppose is one of the reasons i’d like to make things more iconic, so it’s really just an idea of us and not really us.  we’ll see.  i’ve done a couple strips over the last couple weeks and come up with ideas for many more, however i’m just not happy yet with the style (which i expect will develop over time anyway) but it’s just not ready for release yet.  hopefully next week i’ll bite the bullet.  thanks to everyone for hanging in and being patient.

it speaks for itself i think…


by far one of my favorite artists/cartoonists/comic book gods working today is Jeffrey Brown. he’s my pick today for comic of the week. i do actually plan to have my comic out sometime this week (i know, i’m shocked too), but i’d like to get in the habit of posting comics on Mondays, so here is some work from Mr. Brown, since i’m not quite ready yet (and since his work is far superior to mine anyway, you’re actually getting a great deal).

while Jeffrey Brown does not have a “journal comic” to speak of and is much more established and well known than Les and Drew (see previous comic of the week posts) he does work in a journal style. his comics are very autobiographical and the truth of them is sometimes heartbreakingly honest. my favorite of his works is Unlikely, but Clumsy and AEIOU are almost as good and are the companion pieces to Unlikely in his “relationship trilogy”. he also is prolific in his mini-comics and pieces that can be found in collections and anthologies.  if you like what you see here in these two simple panels please check him out at the link below:



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