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These Esad Ribic Uncanny X-Force covers continue to impress me.  The kind of stiff, slick style is usually not my thing, but how Ribic stages the composition gives them this fantastic movement…they feel full of movement and that we’re just getting a look at a split second of it all on pause.  I really like them…this one is so flawless and elegant it almost looks like dancing…like ballet…which I guess has more in common with great choreographed action than we probably give it credit for.

I’m not sure why only one character is an actual X-character…but I don’t really care.  When you’re cool, you’re cool.

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If you haven’t had a chance to listen yet, head on over to Comics Should Be Good for the write up and link to the podcast.

Lots of fun stuff this week.  Also, someone says “Fuckety fuck fuck, what the fuck!?” And shock of all shocks…it’s not me!  :)

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Last one…and of course it’s Bats and Cats.

There are a million good Bruce & Selina images out there but these are both recent favorites for me – one in that it was actually recently released, and one that I just recently discovered. Both are awesome.


Wonder Woman never gets sexy sexy times.  It sucks.

So here’s some alt Ben Caldwell Wonder Woman gettin’ some love.

This second one seems kind of sad because he looks maybe hurt…or unconscious…or dead.  STILL COUNTS. PLUS THERE IS SEXY RAIN!


Kate and Renee.  Love it.  How can we get these two kids back together?

Just to be clear…some time passes here…quite a bit of time…


Some Rogue love. As a kid I LOVED Rogue and Gambit.  Then Gambit became a douche (Rogue kind of did too). But there was a time when nothing could make my little fangirl heart go BANG BANG BANG in my chest like the below…

But there are times when I was into Rogue and Magneto…sometimes I hate it…sometimes I think it’s pretty damn good.  Pretty hard to resist this for example:

And there was Rogue and Joseph…which I still don’t understand for sure who he was or wasn’t (I got bored and gave up and mostly don’t care) but he did seem to be a guy that Rogue actually deserved…and that deserved her.


I was always partial to Nightcrawler and Cerise.  Plus, Alan Davis art never hurts.  Also, look at the guns on Cerise!? Awesome.  Too bad I can’t read either of these characters anymore.  Boo. :(


Woo! Happy Valentine’s Day Folks!


Ladies Comics Project Phase II, Part Three is up – check it out!

Illustrations For Ladies Comics Project Phase II by Tara Abbamondi


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I love it when comics make me chuckle.  Batgirl #18 was full of good chuckles this week.  And one of them (I think) translates well enough in a single panel to work for panel of the week.  Despite really liking a few comics this week, and really hating a few others, I had trouble sussing out a single exceptional panel…but fun chuckles win the day.

Batgirl #18 was excellent this week.  It was by far the best single issue in the 18 month run – the art by Dustin Nguyen was superb, the colors by by Guy Major (and Nguyen – because I’m guessing the watercolors were his…?) are exceptional and the writing by Bryan Q. Miller was hilarious.  All of which makes my decision to drop all current Bat-books (Batman Inc, Batman & Robin, Red Robin, Batgirl, Batman: Streets of Gotham, and Batman) from my pull list in protest of the continued mis-handling (and lately seemingly joyful mis-handling) of the Cass Cain issue pretty sad.  For the uninitiated the “Cass Cain issue” is essentially that the character continues to be horribly mis-treated and ignored.  It’s a particularly grievous offence considering that the Bat family and brand is – and has been for months – in a process of massive re-expansion and reunion as Bruce has returned from the dead while his daughter remains painfully, obviously, ridiculously and stupidly absent from all of it.

It’s often said in comics that there’s only one way to protest things you don’t like and that way is to vote with your dollars.  I’m not sure I’ve ever seen any hard evidence of such a thing actively working…and as someone that writes about comics and comics related things that is often hard for me to do, as I feel compelled to be in the loop and know what’s going on…but I feel it’s important here – and despite Batman being my favorite character of all time – to finally make a stand on this issue beyond railing about it on blogs, signing petitions, writing letters, and rambling about it on podcasts – so I did it.

With regret I picked up my last Bat-books this week and updated my pull list at the comic shop.  I’ve kept Batwoman on the list as it’s one of the only forthcoming superhero books I’ve been excited about for…well…more than a year now…and because I find that with effort I can rationalize that book as it seems to be rather removed from the issue of Cass and perhaps a bit from the Bat-books in general, but it’s with disappointment (after this issue especially) that I find I can’t do the same for Batgirl.

But I must say it’s a huge compliment to Mr. Miller that I tried so hard to rationalize keeping Batgirl on…I never thought in a million years I’d be sad to drop a book starring Stephanie Brown, so I genuinely offer you congrats on some damn fine work over the last year and a half sir.  And thank for this last great Panel Of The Week!

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