Man I wish comics were more like this more regularly. Let me just go on record as saying that I would buy Marvel’s Strange Tales II monthly…forever…I’d even buy it weekly forever. It’s true that anthologies are always a bit of a mixed bag, because every story is not equal, at the same time while my favorite piece may be a Kate Beaton piece, someone else may prefer something completely different, so there’s also room in an anthology for everyone to find something to fall really in love with. The price tag on these is high ($4.99) but it’s 48 pages and the first two issues this year were some of the most enjoyable comics reading I’ve done all year…and that’s worth quite a bit to me.
Check out a few preview pages here, if you doubt me. And you can see more pages, and a longer write up here.

By Michael DeForge

Written by Nick Gurewitch and illustrated by Kate Beaton

By Eduardo Medeiros
And of course the great Ivan Brunetti Cover, so you know what to look out for. Strange Tales II #3 releases on December 8th, 2010. Don’t forget to ask for it at your shop.

By Ivan Brunetti