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Please head over to SHNH to check out the final installment of the wildly successful Ladies Comics Project!


Illustration by Tara O'Connor


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This Massimo Carnevale offering for Northlanders #33 is an easy win this week.  The use of light is just awesome.

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Hey Folks:

I guest posted again for Chad Nevett’s Random Thoughts! column on CSBG while he’s away this week.  I love doing Random Thoughts! it’s such a nice change from She Has No Head!, check it out of if you get a chance.

~ Kelly


This week’s offering from guest pencils by Celia Calle in Madame Xanadu #27 is gorgeous and gives me a chance to talk about context in comics.  But first, here’s the panel:

So under normal circumstances this would be a total example of the always frustrating brokeback pose*, however in context it totally works.  First of all, this character, unlike most superheroines, IS a model.  So it makes sense to me that she’s posing and strutting and trying her best to strike poses that are exaggerated, dramatic, sexual, and even controversial.  Her JOB is to make people look at her body, and better yet, to make them yearn for it (and whatever she happens to be wearing/selling/etc.).  This pose (though still pretty much impossible) makes SENSE for her in the context of who and what she is and her purpose (at least what we know of it).

Secondly, the clothing.  That is clothing fit for a MODEL, not for a superhero, and again, that’s what she is.  And I love those clothes, they are crazy hott.  Thigh highs? SEXY.  Miniskirts? SEXY.  I think there’s this perception that women that complain about portrayals of women in comics don’t like anything sexy…so wrong.  We just want the sexy where it belongs and used in moderation so everything and every woman does not look exactly the same.  This is a good example of where it belongs.

You also can’t compare this image to more realistic imagery as the artist is working in a crazy exaggerated style (one that is a great fit for the story inside I think) but one that is obviously not based on any kind of reality.

Beyond the “controversy” what do I like about this?  Well, it’s just cool looking – the limited color palette is gorgeous, the stylized exaggerated forms are crazy cool, and the perspective is striking as well.  It’s really interesting to me and actually reminds me a little of a more dramatic but not quite as polished version of Stuart Immonen’s art for Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. I wish we had Calle on a regular book that would call for this kind of stylized exaggerated style, it would be a fun read.

*the brokeback pose in comics means a character that is twisted in such a way (usually to show both her tits and ass at the same time) as to make her back look broken.

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Part 2 of the Ladies Comics Project is up on She Has No Head!  Please head over and check it out – it’s really interesting stuff and the post is getting some great traction on twitter, and with comic insiders.  Heidi MacDonald from The Beat also did a nice piece on part one last week.


Illustraton for Ladies Comics Project, Part 2 by Tara O'Connor


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Easy choice this week as Mark Buckingham continues his awesome run of Madame Xanadu covers for the “Extra Sensory” storyline.  Great color choices and stylized imagery.

Madame Xanadu #27:

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Greg Burgas called this on his What I Bought post last week, and I really can’t disagree.  It makes me chuckle.


Puppets! Monkeys! Awesome!


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A new three part series began today on She Has No Head! called the Ladies Comics Project in which I got a bunch of ladies – those familiar with comics and not – to read a comic book and tell me what they think.  Head on over to CSBG and check it out!

Update:  Some really nice coverage of the post by The Beat.  Thanks Heidi!

A gorgeous piece I commissioned for this project from up and coming artist Tara O'Connor

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For a big project I’m working on for She Has No Head! I had to pull together images of all the comics I was planning to buy in the month of September…and since I’m frequently asked about my pull list, I thought since I’d already done the work that I’d share it with you fine folks here.

You can click to enlarge on all of the images below.

Additionally I bought Secret Warriors #20, Batman: Brave & The Bold #21, Crossed: Family Values #4, Joe The Barbarian #7, Heralds (hardcover), a new Betty & Veronica and a 1993 Betty & Veronica (long story), Last Days of American Crime 3, Justice League: Generation Lost #10 (thanks to the sweet Cliff Chiang cover), Batman #703, and The Muppet Show #10.

What was the best book I read this month?  Well, taking Madame Xanadu out of contention as it hasn’t released yet, I’d say it was easily Stumptown #4 followed by DV8 #6.  What was the worst book?  Hmmm.  Such a tough choice as there were a lot of mediocre books this month, but I’d say Star Spangled War Stories #1 was a horrifically lame train wreck of both writing and art, but with a fairly gorgeous Brian Bolland cover, which only made the insides MORE disappointing.

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Not that wildly impressed with the covers to anything I bought this week, but the cover to Batman Detective Comics is pretty sweet.  I like the nice balance of darks and lights, the stylized figures, off-center action/composition and the use of graffiti, which is surprisingly under used in comics as a visual device, all make a pretty nice looking picture.

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