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Yeah, at 9am I’m thinking, “this is a great opportunity…my chance to really give my itty bit of talent a shot”…around 9:05 I’m looking at my bank account balance and crying into my eggs.  Good times folks, good times!



lately 2


Yeah, I am definitely feeling on the precipice of a great and powerful I don’t know what…is it on the precipice of greatness, or ultimate failure, or destiny, or just the precipice of unemployment…I guess only time will tell…let’s all pull for “greatness” shall we?

laid off 1

laid off 2

laid off 3


That’s right folks, I’ve joined the masses on the bread line. 

Well, not quite yet.  I’ve got a few more weeks to close out my projects and train the part timer that will be ‘stopping the gap’ and also as I attempt to educate everyone on everything I have been doing for the last four years…basically downloading four years of awesome knowledge into a binder and few weeks of conversations and training. 

I am getting a fair (ish) severence package, which is why I’m not quite clawing at the ceiling and ranting about the ridiculousness of a company that lets good people go.  I just fundamentally disagree with them in theory I guess, without judgement, I feel you just don’t let dedicated good people go, even if someone shuffling paper somewhere thinks you make too much money (here’s a hint – figure out a person’s pay based on actual hours worked and you’ll often find they’re quite a deal compared to the average clock puncher…or here’s another one – in my case – divide my salary by three – since that is how many people’s jobs I’ve been doing for the last nine months) – well I guess I did have to rant a little bit.  Sorry.  

It is comforting to know that the people who actually work with me and that I work for are devastated (okay, maybe just sad, details shmetails) to see me go, and don’t think it’s the best move for the long term, even if it helps alleviate current financial burden.  That helps.  But I’ve never been laid off from a job.  I’ve never left a job when it wasn’t 100% my decision and this is hard.  It’s especially hard in these economic times, when I know many many talented and amazing people that are out of work and not by choice.  It also makes it hard to have faith in the whole ‘universe closes a door, but opens a window’ philosophy that I’m so fond of – basically I see no windows opening. 

I’ve got some time though. And I’ve decided to take some of that time and rather than just seeking out another executive assistant or office management position that will make me want to slit my wrists, to actually give what I’m good at a try.  So I’ve got a small window of time to push as hard as I can on that stuff, and we’ll see what happens…maybe the world is ready to give me a break, since I’m ready to actually try.  We’ll see.  The good news for you devoted readers is that the blog is likely to get pretty active again…lots of stuff coming soon.

And if any of you hear about any positions in which people want to pay obscene amounts of money for someone with a little bit of talent…feel free to let me know.

Update:  We can update my cartoon to show one less tic mark in the “laid off” category as my brother has just gotten hired at a great firm.  Maybe it’s the beginning of the end of this mess already?  We can only hope.  Congratulations Scott…I hope we’re all right behind you.

I f’ing hate it when men sabotage and disrespect women, particularly when they do it because of the way women look (too fat, too thin, too short, too tall, not pretty, blah blah blah) and it’s even more annoying when the men themselves actually look like ass (which happens A LOT), but reading this interview with Carol Lay reminds me why I hate it even more when we women do it to each other. 

I don’t know where Carol Lay gets off.  I really don’t.  We don’t need more hate and bad body dynamics…there is plenty in the world already.  The reviews on Amazon for her book so far are through the roof (5 stars across the board), but I just keep reminding myself that these are the people who obviously read diet books pretty frequently…and so I don’t really trust them to start with.  I’m happy for Carol Lay that she’s thin now and that it’s solved all her problems, but I really don’t need her preaching to me (or the rest of world) which is what this interview sounds like to me.

Carol Lay, if you’re listening (reading), go to this site and read as much as you can:  Kate Harding’s Shapely Prose.  Get back to me when you’ve learned something.  Ridiculous.


Calling all Bat fans, Project: Rooftop has announced its latest contest, and it’s a good one…design the new Batman…Batman 2.0 if you will, for his most likely successor, Dick Grayson (aka Robin, aka Nightwing) after Bruce Wayne’s untimely (and lets hope non-permanent) recent demise.


I am terrible at, and do not enjoy drawing men (even awesome Batmen) so I may have to not participate this time yet again, but I’ll definitely do some sketches and give it a try.  If anything remotely interesting comes out of it I’ll post…promise.


Daisy Davenport aka The Blonde

Powers:  None.  Paralyzed from the waist down.

Age: 23

Height: 5’6″

Weight: 131 lbs (not including chair)

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Blonde

Astrological Sign: Gemini

Favorite Band/Artist:  Daft Punk

Favorite Song: Technologic (Daft Punk)

Favorite Movie: The Usual Suspects

Favorite TV Show: Project Runway

Loves: Herself, surfer boys, dancing, the beach, surfing, money, cars, diamonds,…herself

Hates: Everyone but herself

Most Likely To: “Dump your ass”

Personal Quote: “Get away from me you sheep”

Nemesis: Stairs

Nicknames: Beauty, Blondie, Bitch

Significant Other: No comment

Accomplishments: Student Body President, Swim Team Captain,  Alpha Delta Pi Chapter President.



Power:  Flight

Age:  17

Height:  5’2″

Weight:  117 lbs.

Eye Color:  Black

Hair Color:  Auburn

Astrological Sign:  Taurus

Favorite Band:  Justice

Favorite Song: D.A.N.C.E.

Favorite Movie:  The Shawshank Redemption

Favorite TV Show: The Venture Brothers

Favorite Color:  Green

Loves:  books, libraries, the internet, the environment, physics, chess, old movies…

Hates:  nuns, religion, and republicans

Most Likely To:  “Run the world from behind the scenes”

Nemesis:  Mary Elizabeth (a fellow schoolmate)

Nicknames:  Brainiac, “HEAD!”, Genius, Velma

Significant Other:  “No comment”

Accomplishments:  Newspaper Editor, Yearbook Editor, FBLA President, Student Body President, Physics Club, Math Club, Spanish Club, French Club, BBLOS Founder (Bring Back Latin To Our Schools)…too many to name.


Pushing Daisies has been canceled.

Well, no new episodes have been ordered, which is basically pussy network code for canceled. This is one of those times when you remember that Hollywood totally blows…oh wait, that’s all the time. Damnit! A great show.

I always feared it was too quirky and quite frankly too GOOD to survive on television (it should have been on HBO perhaps) but the fact that it was renewed last year gave me hope. Silly me to try and hope, why do I never learn? I think in this case the writers strike really did hurt Pushing Daises – it had such a tenuous grasp on a small quirky intelligent audience…and people forget quickly these days. I have to admit that I was not as enamored of PD this year as I was last, but I still watched, and it still remained one of the smartest shows on TV…also, ironically, one of the most upbeat…and who doesn’t need upbeat these days?! C’mon!

There’s talk of the show finishing as a comic book, but I think we all know how fulfilled that will leave the majority…hardly the same number of people read comics that watch TV…and that’s just part of the problem. The Buffy “season eight” comic book series works well – largely because Joss Whedon knows his comic books and is heavily involved…also, while the Buffy universe is an always continuing growing and changing universe, we were not left on a cliffhanger with the actual series end on TV, the way Pushing Daisies supposedly will. So having a “season eight” in comic books was not absolutely necessary, but rather a decadant way for fans to let the show live on long beyond when any actors etc. would want to stay involved. Angel also has an ongoing comic based off the show, and it is less successful in my opinion. There is the cliffhanger aspect the show was left on, which is pretty difficult to live up to in comics, and also just the handling of the book has been complicated and difficult to follow, as the show was in certain seasons as well. I also think, all due respect, that there’s not quite as much talent in the room on the Angel books as with the Buffy book. That said, I’m still reading the shit, so it can’t be that bad.

Would I read a Pushing Daises comic? Maybe. Probably, but only if I was already at the comic shop. If I was the average fan there’s no way I’m heading into comic stores (unknown territory for many people) to find out about an ending to a show that is pretty much guaranteed to be a let down. Then again, maybe this “we’ll finish it in a comic book” revolutionizes the industry and brings thousands (hundreds of thousands!?) of new fans to the comic book industry…a girl can hope. Wait…wasn’t I just saying something about hope a little while ago…? Hmmm…I forget. Oh well.

As I develop the pages for JILTED LEAGUE, I thought I’d give you all a chance to get to know the girls one at a time…so here’s a little bio for your introduction to Val Chase aka The Bitch. 


Name:  Valerie (Val) Chase

Age: 27

Height:  6’0″

Weight:  “Fuck Off”

Eye Color:  Blue

Hair Color:  Black

Astrological Sign:  Cancer

Favorite Band:  Rage Against The Machine

Favorite Song:  How I Could Just Kill A Man (Rage Against The Machine)

Favorite Movie: 28 Days Later

Favorite TV Show:  Law & Order (original version)

Favorite Color:  Black, duh.

Loves:  Not much

Hates:  Almost everything

Voted Most Likely To:  “Kick your ass for no good reason”

Nemesis:  Vic The Virus, and pretty much anyone with a dick

Nicknames:  Badass, Killer, Bitch (obvs)

Significant Other:  None

Accomplishments:  “I haven’t killed anyone…yet.  Oh, and one awesome game of Men’s Varsity Football, my senior year.  Yes, I’m aware it was almost ten years ago…you wanna make something of it?”

So I promise I’m off working hard dear readers, it just takes time to put together something fantastically new (or in this case, ten years old but never fully tried…!).  Anyway, behold!  Some new teaser images for THE JILTED LEAGUE…coming soon to this blog…world domination next!



This is a major villain our heroes will face…The Supermodel.  The Supermodel’s sidekick is “Regular Model”…trust me, it’s hilarious.


In honor of the new BOND coming out this week, I thought I’d post a sketch I did for a future issue in which 007 calls in sick and Brain is tapped as his temporary replacement…her code name?  00Pi.


This one gives you an idea of the girls’ “special” relationship.


And this one I just like.  Maybe if you’re all very good I’ll do some COLOR images for next time.  I know, I know, COLOR…heaven forbid.  Stay tuned!  And a special shout out to Anna Paquin and Mila Kunis who have almost single handedly kept this blog in awesome daily hit numbers.  Thanks girls – I owe you one.

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