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Yeah, I fixed it.  Finally.  It was so annoying to realize that the only skipping songs were legally purchased from itunes and everything else was playing fine…itunes jerks.  But I updated the pod, restored to original settings, and re-uploaded everything, and we’re back to non-skipping happiness.  Thank the gods.  I hate when technology goes from making my life easier to making it harder and more frustrating. 

Have a great weekend everyone.  It’s delightfully rainy here in NYC and looks like it will be for a couple days so I’ll be cuddling up for the weekend and watching it come down, except for Sunday when I’ll have to venture out for writing group.  I do love the rain, so long as I’m not stuck out in it.

That’s right Anna*, you rock that side ponytail.  Sadly I could not find a picture on the interwebs of said side ponytail so you could see how awesome it is, but if you saw episode #2 of True Blood you KNOW what I’m talking about.

So what about True Blood?  Is anybody watching it other than Adam and I?  It doesn’t seem like it, yet it has already been renewed for a second season.  I’m glad HBO is giving it a chance, but I’d gladly trade True Blood (season one or two) for a third season of Carnivale

What can I say about True Blood?  I guess I can say that I desperately WANT to like it, but that it continues to fail me, but not enough that I can actually write it off just yet.  I will say that without Anna Paquin I would have checked out immediately, the one thing True Blood has done (other than teach me about Paquin’s ability to rock side ponytails) is that I’m even more smitten with Anna Paquin than ever.  She’s just gorgeous.  I don’t love the accent, but it’s passable and I could do with less wide-eyed acting, but otherwise she’s pretty much saving the show for me.  The main vampire character Bill is slowly growing on me, but just when I feel like he’s reigned the character in we get another weird over the top scene that is pretty laughable. 

The biggest problem for me with the show so far is that the characters are fairly stereotypical and the actors they have chosen for these stereotyped roles may lack the ability to add the necessary dimension to take them to the next level – right now they just appear to be overacting in every scene which makes everything laughable. Sookie’s (Paquin) best friend Tara (Rutina Wesley) and Sookie’s brother Jason (Ryan Kwanten) are probably the worst over-acting offenders, other than the actors playing the other over the top vampires (that we’re kind of just getting introduced to now), but everyone is pretty guilt of it at this point, including at times Paquin.  I know the overall style of the show is designed to be somewhat campy and over the top, but in its current form it’s making it difficult to take any of it seriously or connect with any of the characters. 


The other problem for me is that so far, the only thing supernatural about the True Blood world is Vampires…oh, and that Sookie can read minds.  Yeah.  I have a problem with this.  It needs to be explained, or more things in the True Blood world need to be revealed as “not what they seem”…you throw a werewolf in there, or a guy who changes into a dog (hint), or some other weird crap and suddenly I can buy that Sookie can read minds, but right now, with the world as is, it doesn’t work.  At all. 

I’ll hang in there for now (let’s call it 2.5 stars for now), but mostly just because there’s not much else on TV that I’m interested in (though I eagerly await the Pushing Daises premiere). 

Here’s a photo of Sookie and Bill from True Blood:

Here’s a shot of Anna Paquin with the new blonde hair:

And here, because I’m totally smitten, is Anna looking absolutely GORGEOUS in some silly magazine:

* And yes, she’s naked in my comic at the top of the page – if only because it’s now officially a nice running gag. 

Yeah, one of the “getting hit on” elements we haven’t talked about on here is that it usually happens to me when I look terrible, which is just weird.  Didn’t take a shower today?  Expect to get hit on.  Left work early because you’ve got a fever and a head cold?  Expect to get pulled over in the parking lot by some guy who “would love to take you out”.  Wearing old sweats and no makeup?  Expect an “UNN!”.  It’s totally bizarre. 

Maybe I’m the bizarro world definition of “cleans up nice”…i.e. “un-cleans up nice”.  Bizarre.

Yeah.  I really don’t know what to say.  I don’t know what freakish universe she’s living in, but in this one, you pretty much don’t do favors for people you hate, people who have treated people you love like crap, uneccessarily.  Rigodamndiculous.

That’s right – we’re baaaaack!!!!!  I know you didn’t believe me that we’d be back…but we are.  Let’s hope for no more hiccups, at least until I reach the end of “a year of rabid lamb comic” (i.e. November 5th).

And to you movie texters out there – it would be great if you could stop texting because it’s wrong and it ruins peoples’ movie experience – but if the moral fortitude to do the right thing escapes you – just know that some crazy bitch and her giant angry boyfriend may be in your theater, ready to follow you home and kill you for being an insensitive jackass.  Is texting really worth your life?  Turn off the goddamn phone – I assure you your life is not so important that it can’t be put on hold for two hours…and if it is…then what the hell are you doing in a movie theater anyway?

This is apparently my new favorite thing to rant about…see?

Ah, the sleep talking Adam returns.  Good times.  I really am not complaining about this, because it is one of the genuinely funny things going on in my life these days (sad, but true).  So talk on Adam, talk on you crazy sleeptalker.

As for Rabid Lamb this week, I will continue posting all week, but there may not be comics until next week.  I’ve put myself under major re-write pressure now through September 1st and while it is unlikely I can actually finish, I have made some serious progress in the last four days and I feel I owe it to myself to really focus on that. 

But have no fear, comics will resume shortly in all their non glory…

I have to say, not to brag, but this is maybe my favorite cartoon so far.  Not that the drawing is any good (it’s terrible, as usual lately) but I just love the idea of my elliptical trainer having a whole personality that hates me.  That I’m not working IT out, which is what it was born to do.  I just find the idea hilarious.

I hope everyone’s life is going better than mine.  I am so stressed out from developments at work, the kind of developments that really need you to buckle down and concentrate and work hard, coming at time when I should really be finding some better balance in my life –  getting more excersise, having more fun, and finishing my novel re-write (of course). 

So it’s all very stressful.  And I feel very conflicted.  And tired.  All the time with the tired!

PS – Comic #200!  That’s sort of an accomplishment!  Right?

So thanks Dave.  Thanks a lot. 

I hope you all have great weekends ahead of you.  As my writing deadline fast approaches (11 days!) I will be buckling down, I hope like never before, to write write write.  I plan to take a break Sunday and go to a movie and dinner with Adam after my writing group. 

I’m currently trying to talk myself out of going to a special midnight screening of a new 35 mm print of The Crow that is screening at the Sunshine theater Friday and Saturday nights…sounds like some good relaxing fun (I freaking love that movie and would love to see a new print) but I just think it will throw me off and the next thing you know I’ll be having fun left and right…

Ew is right.  I confess until now, I have never seen a concessions stand at a theater closed for failing an inspection and I find it kind of horrifiying.   Although the movie theater I went to see Vicky Cristina Barcelona at on Tuesday seemed like it should have been not only closed but condemned – the whole theater – not just the concessions stands.  Yucky.  I’ll be avoiding that theater in the future whenever possible.

Yeah, this one seemed like it was going to be an epic battle, but it blew over pretty quickly.  Maybe both of our memories are getting so bad that it’s harder to hang onto that internal rage.  Adam says I like being mad.  I say, nobody likes being mad, but it does take me longer to cool off than the average bear. 

Guess what I’m unable to cool off about this morning?  The fact that I went to a late showing of Vicky Cristina Barcelona last night with Adam and three bitches (THREE!) were texting at various times throughout the movie (which was a good movie – more on that later).  And since it was a late show on a Tuesday night there were only like 30 people even in the huge theater.  What the F!?!  If your life is so exciting that you cannot put down the blackberry or phone for 96 minutes then don’t buy an f’ing ticket.  I am so sick of this. Does anyone live somewhere where this kind of thing doesn’t happen?  If so, please let me know and I’ll pack my bags now.  I’m so fed up with disrespectful people.  I just don’t get it.

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