illustration friday

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For Illustration Friday…”Punchline”

But I call this one “The Literalist”.  It took a while to come to me, but once it did I had to post, even though I’m barely making the deadline and the art is crappy.  I want to use “The Literalist” again, such great opportunities in store for him…I don’t know the other guy’s name…something like “The Olive Vampire”?  I have no idea…

Given the chance to draw a cute little baby, instead I drew a woman about to puke with morning sickness.  What is wrong with me you ask? I have no idea. 

I think part of my need to go this way was that I was sure many people would draw cute babies, but few would come up with this image, and thus, my rampant need to be a black sheep rears its ugly head again.  Regardless, I like this image despite its dark streak.  I’m dark and I guess so is my perspective…what’s a girl to do?

Here’s my submission for Illustration Friday:  Worry.  I liked this one, even though I hate warts (who doesn’t really?)  But he’s all surly and sarcastic, which almost makes me like him. 

Illustration Friday submission for Electricity! I like how this one turned out, but as usual with how things look in my head, versus how I can get them on the page, it’s not even close to what was in my imagination. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?) you guys can’t see how awesome this looks in my head. I’m really enjoying the challenge of Illustration Friday though, it’s giving me a chance to think (and draw) outside the ‘Rabid Lamb Comic Strip’ box… :)


My second entry for Illustration Friday.  I missed out last week because I was ill, which was a bummer because the word was ‘Wrinkles’ and I had a great idea for it.  But, whatever, onto the next.  I really enjoyed this one.  If you haven’t checked out Illustration Friday yet, please do!

Hello longtime fans of me (and new fans of me too of course)!  I’m going to start trying to participate in Illustration Friday.  You can read more about it by following the link, but basically it is a great site, in which one word is given on Fridays and a community of all kinds of artists participate by submitting their interpretation of that word and linking their image to the Illustration Fridays site. 

This is my first go round, and the word is Primitive.  I’m in a bit of a quandry as to whether I should be posting it under “cartoon” or “comic book”…for this one I guess I’ll go with cartoon and moving forward I’ll just have to play it by ear.  Enjoy!