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Feeling shitty and had to do a lot of podcasting and editing today, not to mention a hangover from Drunk Cover Solicits…but still managed to eek out a decent number.

Tomorrow (Sunday) is mostly a writing day, so I’m hoping that I’ll feel well enough to put up big numbers.  Wish me luck!

Today’s word count: 1,939

MS total word count: 94,430

Inspirational image for a scene I was writing today:

Had a lot of other commitments today (Drunk Cover Solicits!) and am still sick, so didn’t do as much as I’d have liked.  That said, it’s coming really easy as we head toward the end here…in fact the biggest issue right now is keeping the word count DOWN.  So many characters, so much to do before the big showdown.  😉

Today’s word count:  2,283

MS total word count:  92,491

Inspirational image for a scene I was writing today:

Didn’t get much done today with illness and Thanksgiving to contend with, but managed to eek out a bit.

Thanks to all of you that have been so supportive and encouraging, and for those of you doing NaNo yourselves – keep up the great work – some of you are just killing it.

Today’s word count: 1,481

MS total word count: 90,208

Inspirational image for a scene I was writing today:

This edition of NaNo brought to you by ILLNESS!  Woo.

My word count isn’t bad today, but it’s hard to know if what I wrote is any good or a delusional sick mess.  Guess we’ll find out next week.

Today’s word count:  2,946

MS total word count:  88,727

Inspirational image for a scene I was writing today:

Well…I finally got sick.  Really had trouble with my word count tonight as a result. Still managed to get a bit down though.

Today’s word count: 988

MS total word count:  85,781

Ulp, sickness is already taking effect and melting my brain, I should have included a “NaNo total thus far” since Tuesday was the three week mark:  51,281

Inspirational image for something I was writing about today:

The biggest news for today, is that today – DAY 21 – marks the day I cruised past 50k, which is kinda huge.  I’m still well behind where I wanted to be today, both in terms of the word count and in how much more I have left before “the end” but let us take a moment to bathe in the hugeness of hitting 50k in 21 days.  WOO!

Today’s word count: 2,532

MS today word count:  84,793

Inspirational image for something I was writing about today:

Best day yet!  Hopefully only 15 – 20k before I hit “the end”.  But it keeps being longer than I think it will be.  Here’s hoping we’ll hit “the end” before the weekend so I can move on to edit and “prettifying” over the holiday weekend.

Today’s word count:  4,515

MS total word count: 82,267

Inspirational image for a scene I was writing today:

Badass jacket is badass. ;)

Had to get some sleep catch up today, write a bunch of a blog posts and a column for Monday’s She Has No Head!, plus still fighting off sickness, so didn’t come close to any of my word count hopes and dreams.  But still not a bad day. Hopefully cleared out enough space for tomorrow to be very productive.  For those of you just checking in and looking for Drunk Cover Solicits…they’re going to be done over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  Bad news?  You have to wait another week.  Good news?  You’ll have something to distract you during possibly boring and/or uncomfortable family time. Woo!

Today’s word count: 3,041

MS total word count: 77,752

Inspirational image for something I was writing about today:

Are shredded t-shirts back? They should be. In fact, I'M bringing them back! WOO!

Still not feeling so well, but not full blown sick yet, so trying to make sure and get as much done as I can while I can. I still have a column to get down for Monday and if not too sick, DRUNK DC COVER SOLICITS…so there’s no time to not get a word count in. Almost to 75k…woo!

Today’s word count: 2.057

MS total word count: 74,721

Inspirational image for something I was writing about today:

This was my first day that felt like a real failure. I’m not feeling well and my head was cloudy, I got easily distracted, tired quickly and had real trouble focusing for long stretches (which kind of all mean the same thing, which pretty well illustrates the writing issues I was having tonight). I also left the ms in a difficult place, which is never good and makes it very hard to start again. We’ll see what happens tomorrow I guess. Hopefully I’m not getting sick, as I’m trying hard to get to “the end” on this thing before Thanksgiving.

Today’s word count: 1,947

MS total word count: 72,664

Inspirational image for something I was writing about today:

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