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Lot going on today, but managed to get a couple solid hours of work time in. Got through a frustrating part in the novel with a decent solution that may hold or may get cut, but we’ve moved on to easier scenes…so all is good!

Today’s word count: 3,166

MS total word count: 70,717

Inspirational image for a scene I was writing today:

Halfway! Only 727 words today, but today was hell, so what can a body do?

Today’s word count: 727

MS total word count: 67,551

2 week NaNo total thus far: 33,051

Also, that is WAY the most I’ve ever written of fiction (the same fiction and sequentially no less) in two weeks, so I’m pretty happy about it. Add to that the 6 comic book reviews, one She Has No Head! article, a handful of blog posts and the write up for a podcast…and that is A LOT of writing in two weeks. Very cool.

Inspirational image for a scene I was writing today:

Decent day considering what I had on my plate. Still a good 10k behind where I wanted to be today, but it could be worse…and I cracked well over 65k, so I’m feeling pretty good. On track to possibly finish before Thanksgiving, at which point I can go in and make it all pretty. 😉

Today’s word count: 3,177

MS total word count: 66,824

Inspirational image for something I was writing today:

Ugh. Half the word count I wanted today. Balls.

Today’s word count: 3,637

MS total word count: 63,647

Inspirational image for a scene I was writing today:

Pissed that I fell well short of word count hopes, but in truth I cracked through a huge problem I was having structurally with my ms today, so I can’t really complain. Also, I cracked 60k, so that’s relatively awesome.

Today’s word count: 3,946

MS total word count: 60,010

Inspirational image for a scene I was writing about:

Sometimes it's all about the shoes. Okay, lots of times.

Ugh. Got a lot done today (including making a playlist for this book that is actually really helping) but fell well short of my “hoped for” word count goals.  Better luck tomorrow perhaps.

Today’s word count:  3,063

MS total word count:  56,064

Inspirational image for a scene I was writing today:

Should have gotten more today, kicking myself a bit.  Going to try for very big numbers for the next three days though…wish me luck!

Today’s word count: 2,240

MS total word count: 53,001

Inspirational image for something I was writing about today:

Back on track (sorta) today.  Feeling like the MS is really choppy right now, which is bumming me out, but I’m still getting the words down, so, we’ll see.  I did cruise past 50k tonight so that was nice!

Today’s word count:  1,880

MS total word count:  50,761

Inspirational image for a scene I was writing tonight:

This was a tough day. In part because I had to delete about a thousand words.  That’s not so terrible of course…unless you’re trying to reach word count goals. :(

Today’s (sad ass) word count:  527

New MS total: 48,881

Inspirational image for something I was writing about today:

Woo! We’re a week in people.  So let’s have a week 1 sub-total count today too!

Even though today is my best word count ever and it all turned out okay, I kind of f’ed up because I had enough time to get more writing done than I managed, but I was just so exhausted from my odd super stress-y week that I think I needed the mental break.  Regardless here’s what I logged today:

Today’s word count: 3,222

MS total word count: 48,354

First completed week of NaNo total: 11,833

Inspirational image from a scene I was writing today:


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