sexy sexy times

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Last one…and of course it’s Bats and Cats.

There are a million good Bruce & Selina images out there but these are both recent favorites for me – one in that it was actually recently released, and one that I just recently discovered. Both are awesome.


Wonder Woman never gets sexy sexy times.  It sucks.

So here’s some alt Ben Caldwell Wonder Woman gettin’ some love.

This second one seems kind of sad because he looks maybe hurt…or unconscious…or dead.  STILL COUNTS. PLUS THERE IS SEXY RAIN!


Kate and Renee.  Love it.  How can we get these two kids back together?

Just to be clear…some time passes here…quite a bit of time…


Some Rogue love. As a kid I LOVED Rogue and Gambit.  Then Gambit became a douche (Rogue kind of did too). But there was a time when nothing could make my little fangirl heart go BANG BANG BANG in my chest like the below…

But there are times when I was into Rogue and Magneto…sometimes I hate it…sometimes I think it’s pretty damn good.  Pretty hard to resist this for example:

And there was Rogue and Joseph…which I still don’t understand for sure who he was or wasn’t (I got bored and gave up and mostly don’t care) but he did seem to be a guy that Rogue actually deserved…and that deserved her.


I was always partial to Nightcrawler and Cerise.  Plus, Alan Davis art never hurts.  Also, look at the guns on Cerise!? Awesome.  Too bad I can’t read either of these characters anymore.  Boo. :(


Woo! Happy Valentine’s Day Folks!
