the tragic penis-man

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I think I speak for us all when I say, thank the gods this is the last ‘Tragic Penis-Man’ strip.  The ideas only got more gross after this one…and this one was almost painful to draw.  Hopefully it at least gives you a chuckle…

I guess I was able to squeeze one more out…let’s see if we can make it though the to the end of the week…one more day.  I like the symmetry of a full week of ‘The Tragic Penis-Man’…I think I can, I think I can…

I read the novel this week of a girl (woman) in my writing group – and it was REALLY good.  Her characters were so well drawn…they felt so real…I was left feeling that my novel characters are really very one-dimensional in comparison. 

It was both inspiring and daunting to read her book.  The subject matter of her book is challenging and intense and so it may take her awhile to find the right publisher/agent, but I have no doubt that her book will eventually get published.  It really was wonderful. 

As for my novel.  I believe I’ve finally committed to doing a MASSIVE re-write.  Usually stuff just comes out of me pretty much how it’s going to be in the end, I mean I tweak and revise and fuss, but I’m not good (I hope mostly because I haven’t tried) at full re-writes.  I think a certain (small) amount of talent comes out of me naturally, but I seem to lack the skills and talent to take my work to the next level – so this will be a huge challenge – but I think it’s a necessary one if I ever want to see this book (or any other work?) published. 

So wish me luck.  My deadline is September 1st (2008).  Which considering it’s a major re-write of the existing 250 pages, and the addition of probably 300 to 400 more pages, is daunting to say the least.  Oy.  This means I’ll likely be shelving my hunt for agents this summer, and reopening that nasty can of worms in the fall.  It doens’t however mean a break from short fiction submissions.  I’ve got to re-submit a whole stack of stuff…so I can get my rejection numbers up really high…

That’s right, back by popular demand, the “UNN!”

I’m not sure how much deeper (no pun) I can go with this Penis-Man bit…perhaps I should have guessed it from his character, but his jokes are a bit shallow, his gags a bit one note. Also, it’s really hard to write about him without everything sounding dirty. And I thought of a couple really good gags, but I mean honestly, I can’t bring myself to draw them…so we may have to move on…

Update:  A Panel!  This obviously isn’t the original strip planned for today, but a quick one I did at work that will have to suffice…enjoy!

Um…I don’t know what to tell you.  There’s no image.  I swear yesterday while I was home sick I scanned in the new comic, did the necessary editing, and then saved it in my drafts so I could post it when I came into work today…there’s no draft here.  Apologies to you all.  If I find some time this morning I’ll draw a new strip (quick and dirty though it will be) and post it as an update…sorry guys!

I blame the food poisoning.  I did have some crazy ass dreams…maybe I just imagined all this scanning and prepping – although that makes for a pretty mundane, though wildly realistic dream!


Okay, so here’s how this happened. Saturday Adam asked if he could draw something on one of the stories I was reading for my writing group. He then said he wanted to draw a man with a little penis. Of course I said no, he then asked if he could draw a big penis with a little man. He meant a little guy but with a giant penis, but this is what I saw in my head…and it was just too hilarious an idea not to share with all of you, so all this week (or maybe just a couple days until I run out of ideas) The Tragic Penis-Man will be guest starring in Rabid Lamb. Enjoy! Or not.

Saw Iron Man on Sunday. Thought it was great. Definitely in the upper echelon of comic book films. And my man Favreau is looking good (as Stark’s security guard/driver).

Am home sick this morning with what seems to be minor food poisoning. Hoping to go into work soon…but every time I make a move to do something productive (like get dressed) I get sick again. Yay!